Sample Application Startup Guide

Sample Application Startup Guide


This guide will show you how to complete a CLI-driven demo of Gateway API's zigbee features. After reviewing these steps, you will be able to form a zigbee network and communicate with third-party zigbee devices.


To Complete the Demo With a RapidConnect Gateway

You'll need:

  1. RapidConnect Gateway loaded with RapidConnect v3.0.8 or higher and the latest Gateway API Standalone JAR. Both of these should be pre-loaded by MMB.

To Complete the Demo With a RapidConnect USB Stick

You'll need:

  1. macOS, Windows, or Linux environment that can run Java.
  2. Java Runtime Environment, recommended version 1.8.
  3. Latest release of the Gateway API Standalone JAR, which is available here.
  4. RapidConnect USB Stick loaded with RapidConnect v3.0.8 or higher.
  5. Install the driver for the RapidConnect USB Stick. It is available under the heading "Step 1: Install Hardware Drivers" here.

Running the GAPI Sample Application

In general, a runnable JAR file can be executed as follows:

java -cp <jarname.jar> <argument>

The example commands below show how to execute the GAPI Sample Application in various scenarios.

On the RapidConnect Gateway

The GAPI Sample Application is pre-loaded on each RapidConnect Gateway unit.

To exercise its features, start by connecting the gateway to your LAN.

Next, follow the instructions in to establish an SSH connection to the gateway.

You can now execute the GAPI Sample Application using the following command (replacing the name of the JAR file with the correct name):

java -cp /home/mmb/gateway-api-2.0.8-standalone.jar com.mmbnetworks.gatewayapi.sample.SimpleCli

Enter the serial port:

Enter a serial port (i.e. /dev/ttyUSB0), or 'q' to exit:

On a Mac or Linux Machine Connected to a RapidConnect USB Stick

After opening a terminal application and navigating to the folder where you have placed the Sample App JAR file, enter the following command:

java -cp gateway-api-2.0.8-standalone.jar com.mmbnetworks.gatewayapi.sample.SimpleCli

When prompted to enter a serial port, enter the correct path to access the RapidConnect hardware from your Mac or Linux Machine. Usually, this will be the following path:

Enter a serial port (i.e. /dev/ttyUSB0), or 'q' to exit:

On a Windows PC Connected to a RapidConnect USB Stick

After opening a command prompt and navigating to the folder where you have placed the Sample App JAR file, enter the following command:On a Windows PC Connected to a RapidConnect USB Stick or Development Board

java -cp gateway-api-2.0.8-standalone.jar com.mmbnetworks.gatewayapi.sample.SimpleCli

When prompted to enter a serial port, enter the correct COM Port number corresponding to the RapidConnect hardware (e.g. "COM1").

Interacting with the GatewayClient API

After you have completed the steps shown above, the Sample App will instantiate a GatewayClient object, which will automatically connect to the RapidConnect hardware, configure it as a "Combined Interface" Zigbee device, and form a network. Once this has happened, you can type 'h' to see a list of commands:

Available Commands: 
==== General Commands ====
 h - help
 toggleLog - turn logging on/off
 q - quit
 v - get version
 n - network information
 d - list devices and their device ids

==== Gateway Client ====
 f - form network
 p - permit join (30 sec)
 c - close network permit join window
 l - dissolve network
 getDevicesOfType - get a list of devices of a certain type

==== Device Commands ====
 getDeviceType - get the device type of a device
 getProperties - get properties for a selected device id. Will perform a network request
 getCachedProperties - get last known properties for a selected device id. Will be empty if there are no last cached properties
 getProtocolProperties - gets the properties of the device in the format of the underlying protocol (i.e. zigbee). Will perform a network request
 getCachedProtocolProperties - gets the last known properties of the device in the format of the underlying protocol (i.e. zigbee). Will be empty if there are no last cached properties
 getProperty - get a specific property. Will perform a network request
 getCachedProperty - get the last known value of a specific property. Will be empty if there is no last known value. Will throw exception if property doesn't exist
 updateProperty - update a specific property for a selected device id
 discoverAll - perform a full discovery of all properties on a device over the network (warning: can be slow)
 getConnectedGatewayId - get the ID of the Gateway that this Device is connected to
 bind - bind a source to a destination
 unbind - unbind a source to a destination
 enableReporting - enable reporting on properties using default parameters
 addSwitchHandler - map a switch device to a group id
 addToGroup - add a device to a group
 removeFromGroup - remove a device from a group
 kickDevice - kick a remote device off the network
 removePropertyListeners - remove property update listeners for the selected device
 ping - ping a remote device to get its round trip latency
 registerOtaFile - register an OTA file on the server
 deregisterOtaFile - deregister an OTA file from the server
 getRegisteredOtaFiles - get the registered OTA files on the server
 startOtaUpgrade - notify the remote device that an OTA image is available for upgrade
 abortOtaUpgrade - abort an ongoing OTA upgrade
 registerOtaProgressHandler - register the OTA upgrade progress handler, which displays upgrade progress
 deregisterOtaProgressHandler - deregister the OTA upgrade progress handler, which stops displaying upgrade progress

==== Light Commands ====
 moveToLevel - change the dimmable light level
 readLevel - read the dimmable light level

==== Thermostat Commands ====
 readSystemMode - read the system mode, i.e. heat, cool, auto, off, etc.
 readFanMode - read the fan mode, i.e. off, auto, etc.
 readRunningMode - read the running mode of the thermostat
 changeSystemMode - change system mode, i.e. heat, cool, auto, off, etc.
 changeFanMode - change the fan mode, i.e. off, auto, etc.
 readOccupiedCoolingSetpoint - read the cooling setpoint
 readOccupiedHeatingSetpoint - read the heating setpoint
 setOccupiedCoolingSetpoint - set the cooling setpoint to a specific temperature
 setOccupiedHeatingSetpoint - set the heating setpoint to a specific temperature
 adjustOccupiedSetpoint - adjust the heating or cooling setpoint up or down by a specific amount

==== Zigbee Commands ====
 readAttribute - read a zigbee attribute, knowing the cluster id and attribute id
 writeAttribute - write a zigbee attribute, knowing the cluster id, attribute id, data type, and byte values
 sendZclCommand - send a zcl command, knowing the command id, payload bytes, and cluster id
 sendZclMulticastCommand - send a zcl multicast command, knowing the group id, command id, payload bytes, and cluster id
 sendZclBroadcastCommand - send a zcl broadcast command, knowing the broadcast address, command id, payload bytes, and cluster id

Enter a command: 

Forming a Network

When the GatewayClient is instantiated, it will automatically form a network on the best available channel.

Permit Join

Type 'p' to open the Permit Join Window for 30 seconds.

Permit Join Output
Enter a command:
Information for connection /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART is [status=NETWORK_UP, channel=20, id=0xACBF]

Joining a Device

To join a device, ensure that you have followed its commissioning process (e.g. specific sequence of button presses). Take note of the device ID when it connects. If you don't have any devices available, you can use RapidConnect Desktop to configure a unit of RapidConnect hardware as a Dimmable Light, and then Join the Network after you've opened the Permit Join window on the GatewayClient.

Join Device Output
Device Event: ADD
Device: 0024460000153f47_1

Get Devices on the Network

You can always type 'd' to get a list of all connected devices and their ID's, types, and device categories that they belong to.

You can also filter by specific device type, such as Dimmable Light, Thermostat, etc.

List Devices
Enter a command: 
1) Device Id: 0024460000153f45_1, Type: Occupancy Sensor, Category: Lighting
2) Device Id: 0024460000153f46_1, Type: Thermostat, Category: HVAC
3) Device Id: 0024460000153f47_1, Type: Dimmable Light, Category: Lighting


Enter a command: 
Enter a device type (i.e. light, thermostat, occupancy sensor, combined interface, etc): 
dimmable light
1) Device Id: 0024460000153f47_1, Type: Dimmable Light, Category: Lighting

Device Properties

When a Device joins the network, only minimal properties are known about it. Users of the API must specifically request certain properties from the remote device before they can interact with them further (such as binding, or configuring reporting, etc).

There are two ways of doing so: 1) discovering all the properties on the remote device, or 2) reading specific properties on the remote device on an as-needed basis.

Get All the Properties of the Remote Device

Type 'discoverAll', and enter the Device ID from above to trigger a read of the all the properties of the remote device. Note that this can be slow if the remote device has many properties, and/or is a sleepy end-device. This method typically wouldn't be called more than once, if at all, in a production application.

In the case of a Light device, this is what you would see.

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Performing discovery of all properties (can take a while)...
Enter a command: 
Property update triggered for device: 0024460000153f47_1
Property: CurrentLevel, value: 0, type: percentage
Discovered: name: CurrentGroup, value: 0, type: SGroupId
Discovered: name: ApplicationVersion, value: 21, type: uint8
Discovered: name: ManufacturerName, value: MMB Research, type: string
Discovered: name: NameSupport, value: 0x00, type: map8
Discovered: name: SceneCount, value: 0, type: uint8
Discovered: name: IdentifyTime, value: 0, type: uint16
Discovered: name: CurrentLevel, value: 0, type: percentage
Discovered: name: PowerSource, value: SinglePhaseMains, type: PowerSourceEnum
Discovered: name: ZCLVersion, value: 2, type: uint8
Discovered: name: ModelIdentifier, value: RapidConnect, type: string
Discovered: name: HWVersion, value: 8, type: uint8
Discovered: name: CurrentScene, value: 0, type: uint8
Discovered: name: SceneValid, value: false, type: bool
Discovered: name: StackVersion, value: 2, type: uint8
Discovered: name: onOff, value: false, type: boolean

Get Specific Properties of the Remote Device

In order to avoid requesting all the properties of a device (which can be slow) you can request specific properties by using 'getProperty'. If a specific property doesn't exist on the remote device, you will simply get an error. If a property does exist, it will be added to the known list of Property objects for the Device, returned to the application, and its last known value will be cached.

Enter a command: 

Enter a device id: 

Enter a property name: 

Retrieving property 'localTemperature'
Property update triggered for device: 0024460000153f46_1
Property: localTemperature, value: 23.0, type: celsius


Enter a property name: 

Retrieving property 'occupiedHeatingSetpoint'
Property update triggered for device: 0024460000153f46_1
Property: occupiedHeatingSetpoint, value: 20.0, type: celsius


Enter a property name: 

Retrieving property 'occupiedCoolingSetpoint'
Property update triggered for device: 0024460000153f46_1
Property: occupiedCoolingSetpoint, value: 26.0, type: celsius


Enter a property name: 
Retrieving property 'systemMode'
Property update triggered for device: 0024460000153f46_1
Property: systemMode, value: auto, type: systemModeEnum


Enter a property name: 

Retrieving property 'thermostatRunningMode'
Property update triggered for device: 0024460000153f46_1
Property: thermostatRunningMode, value: off, type: runningModeEnum
name: thermostatRunningMode, value: Off, type: enum8


Enter a property name: 

Retrieving property 'fanMode'
Property update triggered for device: 0024460000153f46_1
Property: fanMode, value: auto, type: fanModeEnum
name: fanMode, value: Auto, type: enum8


Enter a property name: 

Retrieving property 'fanModeSequence'
name: fanModeSequence, value: OnAuto, type: enum8


Getting last known (cached) values of Properties

Once Properties have been discovered or read at least once, the Device will store a list of them, as well as their last known values.

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
name: fanMode, value: auto, type: fanModeEnum
name: occupiedCoolingSetpoint, value: 26.0, type: celsius
name: localTemperature, value: 23.0, type: celsius
name: thermostatRunningMode, value: off, type: runningModeEnum
name: systemMode, value: auto, type: systemModeEnum
name: occupiedHeatingSetpoint, value: 20.0, type: celsius
name: FanModeSequence, value: OnAuto, type: FanModeSequenceEnum

You can also get the last known (cached) value of a specific property

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Enter a property name: 

name: localTemperature, value: 23.0, type: celsius

Refreshing Known Properties from the Network

Once Properties have been discovered or read at least once, the Device will store a list of them and their last known values. To refresh the known list of Properties and get their values from the remote device, you can use 'getProperty' or 'getProperties'.

getProperties() and getProperty(String)
Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Retrieving properties...
name: fanMode, value: auto, type: fanModeEnum
name: protocolProperty, value: {"nodeId":"0xb694","endpointId":"0x01","appProfileId":"0x0104","appDeviceId":"0x0301","appDeviceVersion":"0x01","eui":"0x0024460000153f46","protocol":"zigbee"}, type: json
name: occupiedCoolingSetpoint, value: 26.0, type: celsius
name: localTemperature, value: 23.0, type: celsius
name: thermostatRunningMode, value: off, type: runningModeEnum
name: systemMode, value: auto, type: systemModeEnum
name: occupiedHeatingSetpoint, value: 20.0, type: celsius
name: FanModeSequence, value: OnAuto, type: FanModeSequenceEnum


Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Enter a property name: 
Retrieving property 'occupiedHeatingSetpoint'
name: occupiedHeatingSetpoint, value: 22.0, type: celsius

This concludes the basic GatewayClient API demo. To use the sample CLI application to interact with Devices, see the Device API section below.

Device API

Note that this API is currently under active development and subject to change.

The Device API consists of a "Generic API", as well as a "Device Specific API".

The Generic API is intended to give users access to the underlying protocol, while the Device Specific API (for example LightDevice, or ThermostatDevice) is intended to abstract away the details of the underlying protocol and offer a simpler interface for controlling devices.

Generic Zigbee Property API

If the remote device is a zigbee device, you can use the 'getProperty' and 'updateProperty' methods, using the name of the zigbee attribute itself. See Zigbee Attribute Names for a full list of attribute names that can be used with the API.

Here's an example using the "IdentifyTime" attribute:

Using updateProperty(Property) and getProperty(String) with zigbee attribute names
Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Enter a property name: 
Enter a value: 
result: 30

...(a few seconds later)...

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Enter a property name: 
Retrieving property 'IdentifyTime'
name: IdentifyTime, value: 21, type: uint16

Protocol-Specific Properties API

The Protocol Properties API is intended to give users access to the underlying protocol. It uses JSON strings as the primary means of communicating with the underlying protocol.

For example, properties for zigbee devices are passed through as JSON strings. Each Cluster property contains all of its attributes and their values.


Type 'getProtocolProperties' and then enter the Device ID from above to trigger a read of the properties of the remote device. This is only intended to be used to speak to devices that don't have a device-specific API (see below).

Sending a Command Output
Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 

Retrieving protocol properties...
name: 0x0000 Server, value: {"clientOrServer":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0000","attributeRecords":[{"attributeId":"0x0004","type":"0x42","bytes":"0x0C4D4D42205265736561726368"}]}, type: cluster
name: 0x0003 Server, value: {"clientOrServer":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0003","attributeRecords":[]}, type: cluster
name: 0x0204 Server, value: {"clientOrServer":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0204","attributeRecords":[]}, type: cluster
name: 0x000A Client, value: {"clientOrServer":"0x00","clusterId":"0x000A","attributeRecords":[]}, type: cluster

name: 0x0201 Server, value: {"clientOrServer":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0201","attributeRecords":[{"attributeId":"0x0000","type":"0x29","bytes":"0xFC08"},{"attributeId":"0x0011","propertyBitmask":"n/a","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x280A"},{"attributeId":"0x0012","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x9808"},{"attributeId":"0x001C","propertyBitmask":"n/a","type":"0x30","bytes":"0x01"},{"attributeId":"0x001E","type":"0x30","bytes":"0x00"}]}, type: cluster

name: 0x0202 Server, value: {"clientOrServer":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0202","attributeRecords":[{"attributeId":"0x0000","type":"0x30","bytes":"0x05"},{"attributeId":"0x0001","propertyBitmask":"n/a","type":"0x30","bytes":"0x04"}]}, type: cluster

Properties for zigbee devices are passed through as JSON strings. Each Cluster property contains all known (i.e. discovered or read at least once) attributes and their values.


This can be used to update a specific property, by specifying the property name and value.

Enter a command: 

Enter a device id: 

Enter a property name: 
0x0201 Server

Enter a value: 

Property update triggered for device: 0024460000153f46_1
Property: occupiedCoolingSetpoint, value: 27.0, type: celsius
result: [{"attributeId":"0x0011","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x8C0A"}]

A property update takes an array of JSON objects. For zigbee devices, each JSON object is a "write attribute record" consisting of an attributeId (in LSB bytes), a type, and a byte string.


A request to get a property requires only the property name. 

Enter a command: 

Enter a device id: 

Enter a property name: 
0x0201 Server

Retrieving property '0x0201 Server'
name: 0x0201 Server, value: [{"attributeId":"0x0000","type":"0x29","bytes":"0xFC08"},{"attributeId":"0x0003","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x0000"},{"attributeId":"0x0023","type":"0x30","bytes":"0x00"},{"attributeId":"0x0004","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x8813"},{"attributeId":"0x0005","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x0000"},{"attributeId":"0x0006","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x8813"},{"attributeId":"0x0029","type":"0x19","bytes":"0x0000"},{"attributeId":"0x0010","type":"0x28","bytes":"0x00"},{"attributeId":"0x0011","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x8C0A"},{"attributeId":"0x0012","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x9808"},{"attributeId":"0x0015","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x0000"},{"attributeId":"0x0016","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x8813"},{"attributeId":"0x0017","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x0000"},{"attributeId":"0x0018","type":"0x29","bytes":"0x8813"},{"attributeId":"0x0019","type":"0x28","bytes":"0x0A"},{"attributeId":"0x001B","type":"0x30","bytes":"0x04"},{"attributeId":"0x001C","type":"0x30","bytes":"0x01"},{"attributeId":"0xFFFD","type":"0x21","bytes":"0x0100"},{"attributeId":"0x001E","type":"0x30","bytes":"0x00"}], type: cluster

For zigbee devices, this will return the Cluster property, which contains an array of all its attributes and values.

Light Device

Note that this API is currently under active development and subject to change.

The LightDevice API is a "Device Specific API" which is intended to abstract the underlying protocol of the device, and present a high-level interface for interacting with Lights.

There are only two properties at the time of writing: OnOff, and CurrentLevel (for a Dimmable Light).


The device-specific API 'getProperties' will return any properties that have been defined for the device. For a Light, it would look like the following:

LightDevice getProperties
Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 

name: CurrentLevel, value: 0, type: percentage
name: onOff, value: true, type: boolean

Note that if no properties have been discovered or read at least once, any call to 'getProperties' will return an empty list. For more details, see the API documentation for getProperties().


'getProperty' uses the name of the Property to return its current value.

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Enter a property name: 
name: onOff, value: true


'updateProperty' sets a new property value.

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Enter a property name: 
Enter a value: 
result: false


Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Enter a property name: 
Enter a value: 
result: 0

Enable Reporting

LightDevice contains a convenience method to configure the OnOff and Level properties to report any changes to the GatewayClient. You can enable reporting as follows:

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 

Now, any registered PropertyUpdateListeners will be called when the OnOff or Level Property on the remote device changes. The Sample App, by default, will print updates to the console.

Convenience Methods

LightDevice contains some specific convenience methods, allowing users to interact with properties above from a method call instead of directly updating the properties themselves.

  • on()
  • off()
  • moveToLevel(int)
  • moveToLevel(int,int)

See the LightDevice API documentation for more details.

Thermostat Device

Note that this API is currently under active development and subject to change.

The ThermostatDevice API is a "Device Specific API" which is intended to abstract the underlying protocol of the device, and present a high-level interface for interacting with Thermostats.


The device-specific API 'getProperties' will return any properties that have been discovered for the device. For a Thermostat, it would look like the following:

LightDevice getProperties
Enter a command: 

Enter a device id: 

Retrieving properties...
name: fanMode, value: auto, type: fanModeEnum
name: occupiedCoolingSetpoint, value: 26.0, type: celsius
name: localTemperature, value: 23.0, type: celsius
name: thermostatRunningMode, value: off, type: runningModeEnum
name: systemMode, value: auto, type: systemModeEnum
name: occupiedHeatingSetpoint, value: 20.0, type: celsius
name: FanModeSequence, value: OnAuto, type: FanModeSequenceEnum

Note that if no properties have been discovered or read at least once, any call to 'getProperties' will return an empty list. For more details, see the API documentation for getProperties().


'getProperty' uses the name of the Property to get its current value.

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Enter a property name: 
name: localTemperature, value: 23.0, type: celsius


'updateProperty' sets a new value.

Enter a command:
Enter a device id: 
Enter a property name: 
Enter a value: 
result: 25.0

Enable Reporting

ThermostatDevice contains a convenience method to configure the Local Temperature property to report any changes to the GatewayClient. You can enable reporting as follows:

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 

Now, any registered PropertyUpdateListeners will be called when the Local Temperature Property on the remote device changes. The Sample App, by default, will print updates to the console.

Change mode

Change the mode of the Thermostat

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
enter mode (off, auto, cool, heat, emergencyHeating, preCooling, fanOnly, dry, sleep): 


Command: change mode finished
result: auto

Change fan mode

Enter a command: 

Enter a device id: 

enter mode (off, low, medium, high, on, auto, smart): 

Command: change fan mode finished
result: off

Property update triggered for device: 0024460000153f46_1
Property: fanMode, value: off, type: fanModeEnum

Adjust Cooling/Heating Setpoint

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
enter mode (heat, cool): 
enter amount (from -12.7 to 12.7 degrees): 
Command: adjust setpoint finished
result: {"zclCommandStatus":0}

Read mode

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Command: read mode finished
result: {"status":"SUCCESS","result":"AUTO"}

Read fan mode

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Command: read fan mode finished
result: {"status":"SUCCESS","result":"AUTO"}

Read running mode

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 
Command: read running mode finished
result: {"status":"SUCCESS","result":"OFF"}

Read Cooling/Heating Setpoint

Enter a command: 
Enter a device id: 

Command: readOccupiedCoolingSetpoint finished
result: 27.5

Conclusion/Next Steps

This tutorial has demonstrated how to use the Gateway API to instantiate a GatewayClient, form a network, and control a remote Device. Now that we've performed a simple demo, we can begin to explore the API in more detail and write an application that makes use of the GatewayClient. See the pages below for more information.

GAPI Documentation

Sample App Source Code

The SimpleCli.java file contains the source code for the above CLI demonstration. It shows how to instantiate the GatewayClient object, and interact with Device, ThermostatDevice, and LightDevice objects.

Importing the project into Eclipse

  1. Download and unzip the sample project: Downloads
  2. Open Eclipse
  3. Go to File → Import
  4. Expand the 'General' folder and select 'Existing Projects into Workspace' from the list
  5. Browse to the project folder and select it, then finish importing the project.
  6. To run the project, right click the 'gateway-sampleapp.launch' configuration file from the 'Project Explorer' view, and select Run As → gateway-sampleapp
    1. The project takes an optional argument to know which serial port to connect to, or it can be provided at runtime.

Exploring the Project

The SimpleCli.java file contains the entry point to the program and starts a simple command line interface. Its purpose is to exercise the Gateway API.

Exporting a Runnable JAR

You can export the project to a runnable standalone JAR file, which can be run on a Linux, macOS, or Windows platform, by following these steps:

  1. Right-click the project in Eclipse, and select "Export...".
  2. Select "Runnable JAR".
  3. Choose Launch Configuration "gateway-sampleapp".
  4. Select an Export Destination.
  5. For the Library Handling option, ensure that "Extract required libraries into generated JAR" is selected.
  6. Click Finish.
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