Zigbee Device Support

Zigbee Device Support

In general, GAPI can be used to interact with any Zigbee device that is capable of joining a Zigbee HA 1.2 or Zigbee 3.0 network. Any device that works with a RapidConnect-based network coordinator should work with GAPI.

Zigbee Certified Devices

In general, any device that has been certified against the Zigbee Home Automation 1.2 requirements or ZigBee 3.0 requirements should be compatible with our RapidConnect solutions. You can view the Zigbee Alliance's database of certified devices here: List of Certified Zigbee Products. However, it's always best to contact MMB provide your list of "target devices" so we can order samples and verify that they will work without issues.

Devices Used by Existing Customers

We have direct experience with the following devices through our customers and partnerships. 

MMB cannot guarantee interoperability!

While MMB has had positive experiences with these devices, it is always possible for a vendor to release new firmware that introduces new interoperability issues!

Device CategoryVendorModelProtocolRouter or End DeviceProduct Page LinkZigbee Certified Product Link (if applicable)
Dimmable LightIKEA

TRÅDFRI E26 Warm White

Dimmable Light CreeConnected 60WZHARouterLINKLINK

Dimmable Light 

Dimmable Light BulbSengledElement TouchZHAEnd DeviceLINKLINK
Extended Color LightPhilipsHUE A19ZLL


Extended Color LightPhilipsHUE LED StripZLLRouterLINKLINK
Color LightSylvaniaSmart+ Zigbee Full Color A19 BulbZLLRouterLINKLINK
Color LightIKEATRÅDFRI E26 600 lm Color and White SpectrumZLLRouterLINKLINK
Color Temperature LightIKEATRÅDFRI E26 980 lm White SpectrumZLL


Color Temperature LightIKEATRÅDFRI E26 950 lm White SpectrumZLLRouterLINKLINK
Color Temperature LightIKEATRÅDFRI GU10 400 lm White SpectrumZLLRouterLINKLINK

Smart Plug

(On/off Output)


Smart Plug

(Level Controllable Output)

Smart Plug  (On/Off Output)SamsungSmartThings Outlet 2018ZB3.0RouterLINKLINK
On/Off Plug In UnitIKEATRÅDFRI Wireless Control OutletZB3.0RouterLINKLINK
Temperature Sensor (IAS Zone)SamsungSmartThings Button (GP-U999SJVLEAA)ZB3.0End DeviceLINKLINK
Dimmer SwitchGE45857ZHARouterLINKLINK
Connected Bulb Remote Control (Non-Color Controller)LutronLZL-4B-WH-L01-CZLLEnd DeviceLINKLINK
Door LockKwiksetSmartCode 910 - 5-button DeadboltZB3.0End DeviceLINKLINK
Door LockKwiksetSmartCode 912 - 5-button LeverZB3.0End DeviceLINKN/A
Door LockKwiksetSmartCode 914 - 10-button DeadboltZB3.0End DeviceLINKN/A
Door LockKwiksetSmartCode 916 - 10-button TouchscreenZB3.0End DeviceLINKN/A
Door LockKwiksetConvertZB3.0End DeviceLINKN/A
Door LockKwiksetObsidianZB3.0End DeviceLINKN/A
Door LockYaleReal Living Assure Door LockZHAEnd DeviceLINKLINK
Door LockYaleReal Living Assure SL Door LockZHAEnd DeviceLINKLINK
ThermostatZen WithinZen ThermostatZHA
Water Leak Sensor (IAS Zone)Centralite3315ZHAEnd DeviceLINKLINK
Water Leak Sensor (IAS Zone)HeimanSmart Water Leakage Sensor 2-M HS1ZHAEnd DeviceLINKN/A
Water Leak Sensor (IAS Zone)WulianSmart Water Leakage Sensor SR-ZSSMBPW-FD-01ZHAEnd DeviceLINKN/A
Water Leak Sensor (IAS Zone)SamsungSmartThings Water Leak Sensor (GP-U999SJVLCAA)ZB3.0End DeviceLINKLINK
PIR Motion Sensor (IAS Zone)CentraliteSeries 3 Micro Contact SensorZHAEnd DeviceLINKLINK
PIR Motion Sensor (IAS Zone)Tyco(Visonic)Wireless Digital Pet Immune PIR Detector MP-841ZHAEnd DeviceLINK
PIR Motion Sensor (IAS Zone)BoschRadion TriTech ZB RFDL-ZBZHAEnd DeviceLINKLINK
PIR Motion Sensor (IAS Zone)Samsung 

SmartThings Motion Sensor (GP-U999SJVLBAA)

Contact Sensor (IAS Zone)Tyco(Visonic)MCT-370 SMA Door & Window SensorZHAEnd DeviceLINKNot available for MCT-370. Have certification listed for MCT-340 version
Contact Sensor (IAS Zone)HeimanSmart Door Sensor 2-MZHAEnd DeviceLINKLINK
Contact Sensor (IAS Zone)SMC NetworksMicro Door/Window Sensor (SMCDW30-Z)ZHAEnd DeviceLINKLINK
Smoke DetectorWulianSmart Smoke DetectorZHAEnd DeviceLINKN/A
Smoke DetectorHeimanSmart Smoke Sensor HS1SA-MZHAEnd DeviceLINKLINK
Carbon Monoxide SensorHeimanSmart Smoke Sensor HS1CAZHAEnd DeviceLINK
Level Controllable OuputSomfyZigbee to Glydea InterfaceZHARouterLINKN/A
Level Controllable OuputSomfyZigbee to Digital Motor InterfaceZHARouterLINKN/A

Devices with Native Support in GAPI

For some device categories, GAPI provides additional abstraction/simplification. At present, GAPI is optimized for the following Zigbee Device Types:

  • Thermostat
  • Dimmable Light
  • Dimmer Switch
  • Occupancy Sensors

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