(0xD1) Diagnostic Frames
This section describes the commands that initiate and respond to network scans.
( PH:0xD1, SH:0x00 ) - Network Scan Request Command
The Network Scan Request is sent by the Host to the Module and serves to initiate Network Discovery. This command may only be transmitted when the application is in the Network Down state. The Module will respond with a Network Scan Response for each available network discovered and will also respond with a Network Scan Complete command once the scan request is complete.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..3 | Channel Mask | 4-byte channel mask. Each bit represents channels 0 – 31. Example: Channel 11 = 0x00000800 or interpreted as a 32-bit bitmap - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 - bit 11 would be flipped Channels 12 - 15 = 0x0000F000 or interpreted as a 32-bit bitmap - 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 0000 0000 - bits 12-15 would be flipped The Module operates only on channels 11—26 (inclusive). The value 0x07FFF800 indicates that all channels should be scanned. |
4 | Scan Duration | 0x00 = 31 ms |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will send a beacon request to devices within the allowed duration in an attempt to detect other networks. The response is forwarded to the Host as a Network Scan Response.
Status Responses to Network Scan Request Command
Error Status | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | Request successfully transmitted |
Invalid Call | 0x01 | Network down |
Invalid Data | 0x02 | The channel mask or scan duration value is invalid |
Allowed Context
All Contexts.
Sent By Host/Module
( PH:0xD1, SH:0x01 ) - Network Scan Response Command
The Network Scan Response is sent by the Module to the Host for every response retrieved subsequent to the issuance of a Network Scan Request. Each response represents a beacon from a node within an active network that is in communications range of the Module.
It should be noted that the Network Scan Complete message, which notifies the Host of the completion of the Network Scan Request, could be received prior to the reception of all available Network Scan Responses. It should also be noted that multiple Network Scan Responses from multiple nodes may be received from the same network.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Channel | 0x0B – 0x1A: channel of the responding network |
1,2 | Short PAN ID | |
3..10 | Extended PAN ID | |
11 | Permitting Joining | 0x00 = False - network does not permit joining |
12 | Stack Profile | 0x02 = ZigBee Pro |
13 | LQI | 0x00 – 0xFF LQI (Link Quality Indication) is a unit-less measurement range with the upper range (0xFF) representing the highest link quality. |
14 | RSSI | The RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) in dBm, represented as a signed integer. |
Effect on Receipt
Allowed Context
All Contexts.
Sent By Host/Module
( PH:0xD1, SH:0x02 ) - Network Scan Complete Command
The Module sends the Network Scan Complete command to the Host on completion of a Network Scan Request. It should be noted that the issuance of the Network Scan Complete command does not necessarily indicate that all Network Scan Responses have yet been retrieved for the aforementioned request.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Status | 0x00 = scan completed successfully |
Effect on Receipt
Allowed Context
All Contexts.
Sent By Host/Module
( PH:0xD1, SH:0x10 ) - Latency Request Command
The Latency Request frame is sent from Host to Module to test the round-trip latency between the Module and a destination node on the network.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Destination Node ID | LSB first |
2 | Options Bitmask | Bit 0 = Enable Retry |
Effect on Receipt
Upon receipt of this frame, the Module will send a packet to the destination node, and measure the time it takes to receive the acknowledgement.
Allowed Context
All Contexts.
Sent By Host/Module
( PH:0xD1, SH:0x11 ) - Latency Response Command
The Latency Response frame is sent from the Module to the Host with the result of the latency test initiated with a Latency Request.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Target Node ID | LSB first |
2 | Status | 0x00 = Success |
3,4 | Latency | Measured in milliseconds, LSB first |
5 | Direct/Indirect | 0x00 = Direct, response received directly from target node |
6 | Last Hop LQI | The LQI (Link Quality Indicator) of the last responding hop |
7 | Last Hop RSSI | The RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator; in dBm, represented as a signed integer) of the last responding hop |
Effect on Receipt
Allowed Context
All Contexts.
Sent By Host/Module
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