The MMB Wireless Bridge Commissioning Daemon implements a RESTful API for commissioning the device onto on premises Wifi Wi-Fi networks, and for custom application provisioning ( device individual IDs, Tokens, credentials, resource urls, etc ). The customer is able to specify a configuration file 'white list' so that only the files they specify are allowed to be uploaded via the API. On startup the daemon will start the Gateway in uAP mode, broadcasting with the SSID 'Tripoli_<Gateway ethernet mac address>'. Once connected, the API documented below ( with sample scripts in python ) can be exercised. During first touch the web GUI can be used to connect the Gsteway Gateway to a local Wifi Wi-Fi network.
- The bridge commissioning part of the service allows the user to provision and connect the device to a wireless network of their choosing
- The executable provides a REST api to facilitate this
GET /sys/scan
Scan for Wifi Wi-Fi networks
Input on /sys/scan
JSON array of all available and visible Wifi Wi-Fi networks where each entry contains the following: (SSID, Signal Level, Security)
POST /sys/associate
Connect to the Wifi Wi-Fi network pointed to by the given information