Frame Payload Definitions
This page describes the commands supported by the RapidHA serial protocol. The payload byte values are detailed in the command descriptions. Some commands have no payloads.
New in RapidHA v1.7
New sleep control frames under the Utility command group (PH: 0x55) provide the user with a wake-up handshaking scheme, as well as total and accurate control of application sleep cycles.
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Utility Frames ( PH: 0x55 )
This section describes a wide range of command functionality that works on a system-wide level under the Primary Header 0x55.
Reset Command - ( PH:0x55 SH:0x00 )
The Reset command is sent from the Host to the Module, and prompts the Module to reboot. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module reboots.
Module Info Request Command - ( PH:0x55 SH:0x02 )
The Module Info Request command is sent from the Host to the Module to query the Module’s version and application type. This command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with a Module Info Response command.
Module Info Response Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x03 )
The Module Info Response command is sent from the Module to the Host in response to a Module Info Request command.
Payload for Module Info Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Major Firmware Version | |
1 | Minor Firmware Version | |
2 | Build Firmware Version | |
3,4 | Application Information | i.e. Protocol Type (RapidSE,RapidHA...) 16-bit Enumeration: |
5..12 | EUI64 | Extended Unique Identifier, 64 bits in length |
13 | Hardware Type | 0x00 = Reserved |
14 | Bootloader Type | 0x00 = Standalone Bootloader 0x02 = No Bootloader |
Bootloader Version Request Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x04 )
The Bootloader Version Request command is sent from the Host to the Module and queries the module’s application bootloader version. The Module responds with a Bootloader Version Response. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with a Bootloader Version Response.
Bootloader Version Response Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x05 )
The Bootloader Version Response is sent by the Module after it is queried by the Host with a Bootloader Version Request. The Response contains advanced information about the current application bootloader running on the Module.
The Bootloader Type (e.g., standalone or application bootloader) is conveyed via the Module Info Response command.
Payload for Bootloader Version Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..3 | Ember Version | 4-byte Ember version identifier |
4..7 | MMB Version | 0x00 = Build Version |
Expected Host Action
Application Version Count Request - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x06 )
The Application Version Count Request is sent from the Host to the Module to query the number of Application Version Strings available from the running application. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with an Application Version Count Response.
Application Version Count Response - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x07 )
The Application Version Count Response is sent from the Module to the Host. The response payload length is 1 octet.
Payload for Application Version Count Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Version String Count | A count of the total number of Application Version Strings available from the running application. |
Expected Host Action
Application Version Request - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x08 )
The Application Version Request is sent from the Host to the Module to query a given Application Version String describing either the Application Bootloader Version, the core RapidHA Version or the Virtual Host Application Version. The request payload length is 1 octet.
Payload for Application Version Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Version Index | 0x00 - Retrieve Bootloader Version |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with an Application Version Response.
Application Version Response - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x09 )
The Application Version Response is sent from the Module to the Host. The response payload length is variable.
Payload of Application Version Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Version String Index | The array index (0 based) that this command relates to. |
1 | Version Type | The type of version string returned. See Version Types. |
2..(n + 3) | Version | The version being returned. The length n is specified in the first octet of the field. A total of n bytes will follow this length byte containing data which shall be interpreted based on the Version Type. |
Expected Host Action
Version Types
Type ID | Type Name | Length (Octets) |
0x00 | LSB Binary Type | 4 |
0x01 | MSB Binary Type | 4 |
0x02 | String Type | Variable |
0x03 | LSB Binary Type | 2 |
0x04 | MSB Binary Type | 2 |
0x05 - 0xFE | Reserved | N/A |
0xFF | Invalid | N/A |
LSB Binary Type
A type value of LSB Binary Type indicates that the version string is being provided as a series of binary encoded bytes that represent the version string in a dotted version format with the least significant byte provided first. For example, a binary value of 0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04 provided using this encoding would be translated to (or possibly 4.3.2rc1) when displayed to the user. This is the default encoding for version numbers.
MSB Binary Type
A type value of MSB Binary Type indicates that the version string is being provided as a series of binary encoded bytes that represent the version string in a dotted version format with the most significant byte provided first. For example, a binary value of 0x05,0x06,0x07, 0x08 provided using this encoding would be translated to (or possibly 5.6.7rc8) when displayed to the user.
String Type
A type value of String Type indicates that the version string is being provided as an ASCII encoded string of length n. The value will not be null terminated as the length is provided. For example, a binary value of 0x31,0x2e,0x32,0x2e,0x30,0x72,0x63,0x31 provided using this encoding would be translated to 1.2.0rc1.
A type value of Invalid indicates that the requested element is invalid. Typically this indicates that a request was made for an index which lies outside of the valid range of version string indices.
Restore Defaults Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x10 )
The Restore Defaults frame is sent from the Host to the Module and serves to restore the Module to its factory default settings. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module restores all non-volatile elements to their factory default settings, leaves the network if it is joined to one or dissolves the network if it has formed one, and then reboots.
Host Startup Ready Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x20 )
The Host shall send the Host Startup Ready command to the Module after it starts up and is ready for communication. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
On receiving the command, the Module will respond with the Startup Sync Request command. If the Module is in the Already Running state (see payload for Startup Sync Request ), it signifies that this command was received due to an unexpected reset of the Host. In this case, the Module will have retained all its application cache and attribute values, but will suspend network operations and return to the Startup Synchronization phase.
Startup Sync Request Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x21 )
The Startup Sync Request command is sent by the Module on startup or as a response to the Host Startup Ready command. Upon issuing this command, the Module suspends execution of the full application until the Host has completed all desired configuration and updates against it.
The Module resends this command every five seconds until the Host sends the Startup Sync Complete command in response, signaling the completion of the configuration and update process.
Payload for Startup Sync Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Running State | 0x00 = Starting Up |
1 | Configuration State | 0x00 = Factory Default |
The Running State indicates whether the Module has just powered up or is already running. If the Running State indicates the latter, it signifies that the Host experienced a unilateral reset.
The Configuration State indicates the application configuration state of the Module. The Factory Default state indicates that the Module is operating for the first time post-production, or subsequent to the reception of the Restore to Default command from the Host. The Needs Endpoint Configuration state indicates that the Module has restored all default configurations (Manufacturer ID, etc.), but still requires the Host to configure application endpoints, clusters and attributes. This state will occur after a soft or hard reset of the Module, regardless of the amount of non-volatile memory available.
Expected Host Action
The Host may receive the Startup Sync Request either during a synchronized power up or after a unilateral reset of the Module. The Host shall process both scenarios in the same manner.
If the Running State of the Module is Already Running the Host is not required to configure endpoints, clusters and attributes and perform updates on the values of the latter. Instead, the Host should query attribute values and cached event data from the Module in order to synchronize its internal state with that of the application.
If the Configuration State of the Module is Factory Default, the Host shall perform a full configuration of the application, specifying the IEEE functional device type, security configuration, endpoints, etc. If the Configuration State is Needs Endpoint Configuration, the Host shall configure the application endpoints, clusters and attributes accordingly. If Configuration State is Fully Configured, no further configuration action is required of the Host.
Startup Sync Complete Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x22 )
The Host shall send the Startup Sync Complete command to the Module in response to a Startup Sync Request and upon completion of all startup configurations and updates to the latter. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module acknowledges reception of the command with a Status Response indicating Success, after which it runs the full application. If the Module was previously joined to a network it will rejoin that network. Additionally, application configurations are backed up to non-volatile memory for restoration on the next startup.
Please note that Host configurations for endpoints, clusters and attributes are not preserved in non-volatile memory; thus they must be reconfigured after any soft or hard reset of the Module.
Status Response to Startup Sync Complete Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | Module received the command and will start the full application. |
Antenna Configuration Request Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x23 )
The Antenna Configuration Request is sent by the Host to the Module and serves to query the Module about the hardware antenna configuration when the application is operating on the MMB Hornet platform. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with an Antenna Configuration Response.
Antenna Configuration Response Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x24 )
The Antenna Configuration Response is sent by the Module after it is queried by the Host with an Antenna Configuration Request. The payload contains the hardware antenna configuration of the MMB Hornet platform. If the application is not operating on that platform, the response indicates that antenna configuration is not supported.
Payload for Antenna Configuration Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Active Antenna | 0x00 – PCB (Default) |
Expected Host Action
Antenna Configuration Write Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x25 )
The Antenna Configuration Write command is sent by the Host to the Module to select the hardware antenna configuration of the MMB Hornet platform.
Payload for Antenna Configuration Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Active Antenna | 0x00 – PCB |
Effect on Receipt
If the application is not operating on the MMB Hornet platform, the Host will receive an Invalid Call Error in response. Otherwise, the specified hardware antenna configuration is selected.
LED Configuration Request Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x26 )
The LED Configuration Request is sent by the Host to the Module and serves to query the LED behavior configuration of the Telegesis LRS USB Stick or the MMB Hornet-based MMB USB Stick platforms. On these platforms, the LED may be configured to act as an indicator of the application Network State. The Module responds with an LED Configuration Response. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with an LED Configuration Response.
LED Configuration Response Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x27 )
The LED Configuration Response is received from the Module once queried by the Host with an LED Configuration Request. It conveys the LED behavior configuration of the Telegesis LRS USB Stick or MMB Hornet-based MMB USB Stick platforms. On these platforms, the LED may be configured to act as an indicator of the application Network State.
Payload for LED Configuration Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | LED Configuration | 0x00 – Always Off (Default) Expected LED behavior is as follows: Blinking LED = Scanning |
Expected Host Action
LED Configuration Write Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x28 )
The LED Configuration Write command is sent by the Host to the Module to set the LED behaviour configuration of the Telegesis LRS USB Stick or Hornet-based MMB USB Stick platforms. On these platforms, the LED may be configured to act as an indicator of the application Network State.
Payload for LED Configuration Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | LED Configuration | 0x00 – Always Off (Default Telegesis) 0x01 – Indicating Network State. Expected LED behavior is as follows: Blinking LED = Scanning |
Effect on Receipt
If operating on the Telegesis LRS USB Stick or MMB USB Stick platform, the hardware LED will act as an indicator of the application Network State as described.
Serial ACK Config Write Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x30 )
The Serial ACK Config Write command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to enable or disable mandatory serial acknowledgements.
Payload for Serial ACK Config Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Serial ACK Configuration | 0x00 = Serial ACK Disabled |
Effect on Receipt
The Module shall apply the new Serial ACK Configuration.
Serial ACK Config Request Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x31 )
The Serial ACK Config Request command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to query the application Serial ACK Configuration. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module shall respond with a Serial ACK Config Response.
Serial ACK Config Response Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x32 )
The Serial Ack Config Response is sent by the Module to the Host in response to a Serial ACK Config Request. The command conveys the current Serial ACK Configuration of the application indicating whether serial acknowledgements between the Host and Module are mandatory or not.
Payload for Serial ACK Config Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Serial ACK Configuration | 0x00 = Serial ACK Disabled |
Manufacturer ID Request Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x40 )
The Manufacturer ID Request is sent by the Host to the Module to query the application Manufacturer ID. This ID is included in the application Node Descriptor and is also applied when querying an OTA server for new firmware images. This command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module shall respond with a Manufacturer ID Response.
Manufacturer ID Response Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x41 )
The Manufacturer ID Response is sent by the Module to the Host in response to a Manufacturer ID Request. The command conveys the Manufacturer ID of the application.
Payload for the Manufacturer ID Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Manufacturer ID | 16-bit Manufacturer ID, as assigned by ZigBee Alliance. Default is the MMB Manufacturer ID, 0x109A. |
Expected Host Action
Manufacturer ID Write Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x42 )
The Manufacturer ID Write command is sent by the Host to the Module to set the Manufacturer ID of the application. This ID is included in the application Node Descriptor and is also applied when querying an OTA server for new firmware images. The command payload is equivalent to the Manufacturer ID Response.
Payload for the Manufacturer ID Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Manufacturer ID | 16-bit Manufacturer ID, as assigned by ZigBee Alliance. Default is the MMB Manufacturer ID, 0x109A. |
The Manufacturer ID may only be configured during the Startup Synchronization phase and prior to forming or joining a network. If the Manufacturer ID Write command is issued after the network is formed or joined, the Module will send a Status Response Command to the Host with 0x01 (Invalid Call) in its payload.
The Manufacturer ID is stored in non-volatile memory and therefore only needs to be set once. If the value 0xFFFF is used as the command’s parameter, then the Manufacturer ID will be the default value, which is 0x109A, the MMB Manufacturer ID.
Status Responses to Manufacturer ID Write Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | Module received the command and will start the full application. |
Invalid Call | 0x01 | Already on a network. The command can only be called in state of Network Down. |
Effect on Receipt
The Module shall apply the new Manufacturer ID and store it to non-volatile memory.
Sleepy Parameters Request CMD Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x50 )
The Sleepy Parameters Request CMD command is sent by the Host to the Module to query the application’s sleepy parameters. The command has no payload. See Sleepy Devices for more information about the Module’s sleepy behavior.
Effect on Receipt
The Module shall respond with a Sleepy Parameters Response CMD command.
Sleepy Parameters Response CMD Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x51 )
The Sleepy Parameters Response CMD command is sent by the Module to the Host in response to a Sleepy Parameters Request CMD. The command conveys the sleepy parameters of the application. See Sleepy Devices for more information about the Module’s sleepy behavior.
Payload for Sleepy Parameters Response CMD Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Nap Duration | 2-byte (0x00 - 0xFF) value indicating the interval in quarter-seconds during which time the application will nap. Default is 0x02 (2qs) |
2..5 | Hibernate Duration | 4-byte (0x00 - 0xFF) value indicating the interval in quarter-seconds during which time the application will hibernate. Default is 0x14 (20qs) |
6,7 | Non-Sleeping Poll Interval | 2-byte (0x00 - 0xFF) value representing polling interval in quarter-seconds when the device is not sleeping. Default is 0x02 (2qs) |
8,9 | Poll Fail Trigger Rejoin Duration | 2-byte (0x00 - 0xFF) value that triggers the device to rejoin the network if no response is sent from the Module. Default is 0xF0 (240qs) |
Sleepy Parameters Write CMD Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x52 )
The Sleepy Parameters Write CMD command is sent by the Host to the Module to modify the sleepy parameters. The command allows for multiple attributes to be written for a device in one operation. The value 0xFF is an invalid parameter for all byte fields in the payload; it will not be written. See Sleepy Devices for more information about the Module’s sleepy behaviour.
Payload for Sleepy Parameters Write CMD Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | App Nap Duration | 2-byte (0x00 - 0xFF) value indicating the interval in quarter-seconds during which time the application will nap. Default is 0x02 (2qs) |
2..5 | App Hibernate Duration | 4-byte (0x00 - 0xFF) value indicating the interval in quarter-seconds during which time the application will hibernate. Default is 0x14 (20qs) |
6,7 | Non-Sleeping Poll Interval | 2-byte (0x00 - 0xFF) value representing polling interval in quarter-seconds during which time the device is not sleeping. Default is 0x02 (2qs) |
8,9 | Poll Fail Trigger Rejoin Duration | 2-byte (0x00 - 0xFF) value that triggers the device to rejoin if no response is returned from Module. Default is 0xF0 (240qs) |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will send a Status Response to the Host. The table below lists the possible return values for this command.
Status Responses to Sleepy Hibernate Duration Write CMD Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | Request successfully transmitted |
Invalid Length | 0x07 | The length of the payload does not match |
Sleepy Hibernate Duration Request CMD Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x53 )
The Sleepy Hibernate Duration Request CMD command is sent by the Host to the Module to query only the App Hibernate Duration parameter. This command is provided to read the App Hibernate Duration parameter without reading the other sleepy parameters. The command has no payload. See Sleepy Devices for more information about the Module’s sleepy behavior.
Effect on Receipt
The Module shall respond with a Sleepy Hibernate Duration Response CMD frame.
Sleepy Hibernate Duration Response CMD Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x54 )
The Sleepy Hibernate Duration Response CMD is sent by the Module to the Host in response to a Sleepy Hibernate Duration Request CMD. The command conveys the Module's hibernation duration; i.e., the App Hibernate Duration parameter. See Sleepy Devices for more information about the Module’s sleepy behavior.
Payload for the Sleepy Hibernate Duration Response CMD Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..3 | App Hibernate Duration | 4-byte (0x0000 - 0xFFFF) value indicating the interval in quarter-seconds during which time the application will hibernate. Default is 0x14 (20qs) |
Sleepy Hibernate Duration Write CMD Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x55 )
The Sleep Hibernate Duration Write Command is sent by the Host to the Module to modify the parameter App Hibernate Duration. See Sleepy Devices for more information about the Module’s sleepy behavior.
Payload for the Sleepy Hibernate Duration Write CMD Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..3 | App Hibernate Duration | 4-byte (0x0000 - 0xFFFF) value indicating the interval in quarter-seconds during which time the application will hibernate. Default is 0x14 (20qs) |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will return a Status Response to the Host. The table below lists the possible return values for this command.
Status Responses to Sleepy Hibernate Duration Write CMD Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | Request successfully transmitted |
Invalid Length | 0x07 | The length of the payload does not match |
Sleep Control Stay Awake Duration Write - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x58 )
The Sleep Control Stay Awake Duration Write command is issued by the Host to the Module and serves to impose a duration for which the application will stay awake. This allows the Host to override the standard sleep cycle of the application when desired.
Specifying a Stay Wake Duration of 0 will return the application to the sleep state upon the subsequent application tick, provided there are no pending tasks.
Bytes | Field Name | Notes |
0.. 3 | Stay Awake Duration | The duration for which the application should stay awake, in milliseconds. A value of 0 will return the application to the sleep state upon the subsequent application tick, provided there are no pending tasks. |
Sleep Control Stay Awake Duration Read - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x59 )
The Sleep Control Stay Awake Duration Read command is issued by the Host to the Module to query the Stay Awake Duration of the application. The command has no payload.
Sleep Control Stay Awake Duration Response - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x5A )
The Sleep Control Stay Awake Duration Read Response is issued by the Module to the Host in response to a Sleep Control Stay Awake Duration Read command. It conveys the remaining Stay Awake Duration of the application, in milliseconds.
Bytes | Field Name | Notes |
0.. 3 | Stay Awake Duration | Remaining stay awake duration in milliseconds at the time the Read query was received. |
Status Response Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0x80 )
The Status Response command may be issued either by the Module to the Host, or by the Host to the Module, in order to acknowledge the reception of a command.
Payload for Status Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Status | 0x00 = Success |
Sleep Control Wakeup - ( PH:0x55, SH:0xA0 )
The Sleep Control Wakeup frame is issued by the Host to the Module to wake the application when it is sleeping. On reception, the application will stay awake for a default duration of 50ms. It is expected that the Host will stuff the 19-byte payload with all 0xFF’s.
The Host may then either send a serial message within the 50ms wake window or issue the Sleepy Control Stay Awake Duration Write command to force the application stay awake for a longer specified duration.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0.. 18 | Filler Bytes | Stuff all payload bytes with 0xFF |
Error Command - ( PH:0x55, SH:0xE0 )
The Error frame is sent by the Module to the Host to report an application error.
Payload for Error Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Error Condition | An enumeration of Error Conditions: Network Error Conditions: 0x00 – Reserved Reset Error Conditions: 0x10 – Reset Error Synchronization Error Conditions: 0x20 – Synchronization Error Bootload Error Conditions: 0xB0 – Local Bootload Error |
1 | Sub-Error | Sub-Errors associated with the given Error Condition. Associated with FORMING_NETWORK_ERROR (0x04) Associated with LOCAL_BOOTLOAD_ERROR (0xB0) Associated with OTA_BOOTLOAD_ERROR (0xB1) |
Expected Host Action
Error conditions are reported for diagnostic purposes. Depending on the given error received, there may or may not be an expected action for the Host to take in response.
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Network Commissioning Frames (0x01)
The Network Commissioning command set allows the Host to prompt the Module to either form a network or join an existing network. A third option exists for performing HA 1.2 EZ-Mode Commissioning, defined as an automated process that prompts the application to join an existing network and, failing to find one, to form its own.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
Join Network | 0x00 | Network Down Only | Host |
Form Network | 0x01 | Network Down Only | Host |
Permit Join | 0x03 | Network Up Only | Host |
Leave Network | 0x04 | All Contexts | Host |
Rejoin Network | 0x05 | Network Up Only | Host |
Network Status Request | 0x08 | All Contexts | Host |
Network Status Response | 0x09 | N/A | Module |
Trust Center Device Update | 0x10 | Network Up Only | Module |
Network Auto Join | 0x11 | Network Down Only | Host |
Network Reset Auto Join | 0x12 | All Contexts | Host |
Join Network Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x00 )
The Join Network command is sent by the Host to the Module to prompt the Module to scan for and join an existing network.
Payload for Join Network Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..3 | Channel Mask | Four-byte channel mask. Each bit represents channels 0 – 31. Example: Channel 11 = 0x00000800 or interpreted as a 32-bit bitmap - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 - bit 11 would be flipped Channel 13 = 0x00002000 or interpreted as a 32-bit bitmap - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 - bit 13 would be flipped ZigBee HA and SE operate on only channels 11 through 26. It should be noted that in order to comply with FCC regulations, a MMB Networks device on channel 26 will operate in a reduced power mode. |
4 | Auto Options | Bit 0 = 1 – Auto PAN ID If both bits are “1” and multiple networks exist on the channel, |
5,6 | Short PAN ID | The Short PAN ID of the network that the Module must join. |
7..14 | Extended PAN ID | The Extended PAN ID of the network Module must join to. |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will sequentially scan all channels defined by the Channel Mask. The Module will attempt to join any network with an open Permit Join window and matching the PAN IDs as specified in the command payload. If a join attempt fails, the Module will resume scanning until it has tried all available and applicable networks. The possible Status Responses generated by the Module in response to this command are listed in the following table.
Status Responses to Join Network Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | The Module successfully processed the command, and shall start the scan and join sequence. |
Invalid Call | 0x01 | The Module is already on a network. The command is only valid when the application’s network state is Network Down. |
Invalid Data | 0x02 | No channels have been selected in the Channel Mask defined in the command. |
Form Network Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x01 )
The Form Network command is sent by the Host to the Module to prompt the latter to form a network. Additionally on reception of this command, the application ZigBee Device Type is set to Coordinator.
Payload for Form Network Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..3 | Channel Mask | 4-byte channel mask. Each bit represents channels 0 – 31. The least significant bit, bit 0, corresponds to channel 0, bit 1 to channel 1, etc. Example: Channel 11 = 0x00000800 or interpreted as a 32-bit bitmap - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 - bit 11 would be flipped Channel 13 = 0x00002000 or interpreted as a 32-bit bitmap - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 - bit 13 would be flipped ZigBee HA and SE only operate on channels 11-26 (inclusive). If multiple channels are selected, the Module will form a network on the channel with the least interference. Please note: In order to comply with FCC regulations, MMB Networks devices operate at a reduced power level on channel 26 to stay within FCC regulations. It's not recommended to form a network on this channel as it will have a reduced range. |
4 | Auto Options | Bit 0 = 1 – Auto PAN ID |
5,6 | Short PAN ID | The Short PAN ID of the new network. |
7..14 | Extended PAN ID | The Extended PAN ID of the new network. |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will sequentially scan all channels defined by the channel mask and select the one with the least interference. It will then attempt to form a network with the Short and Extended PAN ID’s specified by the Host. Otherwise, if the Host has enabled the Auto Options for those parameters, the Module will generate randomized PAN ID’s that do not conflict with any other network within range.
The possible Status Responses generated by the Module in response to this command are listed in the following table. Additionally, when a network is successfully formed, the Module will inform the Host by issuing a Network Status Response indicating the new application network state.
Status Responses to Form Network Command
Status Response | Description |
Success | Module successfully processed the command, and shall start to form network. Host shall wait for a Network Status Response for the final status result |
Invalid Call | Already on a network. The command can only be called in state of Network Down |
Invalid Data | No channels are selected |
Unsupported | Module is configured as a Reduced Function Device. Command is only available for Full Function Device. |
Permit Join Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x03 )
The Permit Join command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to prompt the Module to open its Permit Join window for a given duration.
Payload for Permit Join Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Permit Join Duration | The Duration in seconds to permit joining If a value of 0xFF is specified to establish a permanent duration the application will automatically revert the value to 0xFE. This precaution prevents the possibility of setting a permanent join window on a receiving router node and subsequently not closing it (e.g. if a subsequent permit join message is missed). The Host retains the option of refreshing the permit join window to effectively retain a permanent duration, but this is discouraged. |
Effect on Receipt
When the application ZigBee device type is configured as an end device, the Module will ignore this command. When configured as a router, the Module will open its Permit Join window for the specified Permit Join Duration. When configured as a coordinator, the Module will open its Permit Join window for the specified Permit Join Duration and will additionally broadcast a message to prompt all routers on its network to also permit joining.
Leave Network Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x04 )
The Leave Network command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to prompt the Module to leave the network to which it is currently joined. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The application will leave the network and clear all data pertaining to that network from its non-volatile memory. The Host must apply this command with caution, as once the Module is prompted to leave a network it will be unable to join that network again until it is re-commissioned with the network coordinator.
Rejoin Network Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x05 )
The Rejoin Network command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to prompt the latter to rejoin the network to which it is currently joined. Though the Module may automatically engage in Rejoin behavior when having lost the connection to the network (i.e., as determined by the Network Heartbeat), this command provides facilities for the Host to manually engage the process (i.e., to re-initiate Service Discovery and Binding). The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The application will enter the Rejoin state, alternating between Secure Rejoin and Trust Center Rejoin until it successfully rejoins the network.
Network Status Request Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x08 )
The Network Status Request is sent by the Host to the Module to query the application Network State. The Host is not required to issue this command, as the Module will automatically issue a Network Status Response on any change of the application Network State. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with a Network Status Response.
Network Status Response Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x09 )
The Network Status Response is sent by the Module to the Host, either as a response to the Network Status Request command, or automatically upon a change to the application Network State or Permit Join Duration (i.e., on transition from non-zero to zero or vice versa).
Payload for Network Status Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Network State | 0x00 = Network Down |
1 | ZigBee Device Type | 0x00 = Coordinator |
2 | Channel | 0xFF = Unknown |
3,4 | Node ID | 0xFFFF = Unknown |
5,6 | PAN ID | 0xFFFF = Unknown |
7..14 | Extended PAN ID | All 0’s = Unknown |
15 | Permit Join Time | The remaining Permit Join Duration at the time of issuance. |
Trust Center Device Update Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x10 )
When the application ZigBee device type is configured as a coordinator and a network has been formed, the Trust Center Device Update command is sent by the Module to the Host when any device attempts to join or leave that network.
Payload for Trust Center Device Update Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Node ID of the device attempting to join or leave the network |
2..9 | EUI64 | EUI64 of the device attempting to join or leave the network |
10 | Device Update Event | Event that triggered the update. 0x00 = MAC Association |
11,12 | Parent Node ID | Node ID of the device’s parent |
Event Triggers explained:
MAC Association -- a device's attempt to join the network. Seeing this does not mean that a device successfully joined, however. The indication for when the device joining successfully is when you see Device Announce.
Secure Rejoin -- this is a device rejoining the network using the network key
Trust Center Rejoin -- this is a device rejoining the network without the network key. It needs to get the network key from the Trust Center, which sends the network key encrypted using the trust center key.
Network Leave -- a device leaving the network.
Network Auto Join Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x11 )
The Network Auto Join command is sent by the Host to the Module to prompt the Module to scan all channels for X number of retries and with Y number of seconds delay between each scan.
The average scan period is roughly 8 seconds. Sending a Leave Network command terminates the scan loop.
Payload for Network Auto Join Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Scan Count | Number of scans to perform |
1 | Delay | Delay between each scan in seconds |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will perform a scan on all channels for X number of retries with Y number of seconds delay between each scan. The Module will attempt to join a network on the channel with the strongest signal strength/lowest noise ratio. If multiple networks exist on the that channel, the Module will join the first viable network that responds.
Status Responses to Network Auto Join Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | The Module successfully processed the command, and shall start the scan and join sequence. |
Invalid Call | 0x01 | The Module is already on a network. The command is only valid when the application’s network state is Network Down. |
Network Reset Auto Join Command - ( PH:0x01, SH:0x12 )
The Network Reset Auto Join command is sent by the Host to the Module to prompt it to leave any network to which it may be joined and then scan all channels for X number of retries and with Y number of seconds of delay between each scan.
The average scan period is roughly 8 seconds. Sending a Leave Network command terminates the scan loop.
Payload for Network Reset Auto Join Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Scan Count | Number of scans to perform |
1 | Delay | Delay between each scan in seconds |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will leave any network to which it belongs. The Module will then perform a scan on all channels for X number of retries with Y number of seconds delay between each scan. The Module will attempt to join a network on the channel with the strongest signal strength/lowest noise ratio. If multiple networks exist on that channel, the Module will join the first viable network that responds.
Status Responses to Network Reset Auto Join Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | The Module successfully processed the command, and shall start the scan and join sequence. |
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Security Configuration Frames (0x02)
This section describes commands that set and report on security keys.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
Preconfigured Key Option Write | 0x00 | Network Down Only | Host |
Preconfigured Key Option Request | 0x01 | All Contexts | Host |
Preconfigured Key Option Response | 0x02 | N/A | Module |
Install Code Request | 0x03 | All Contexts | Host |
Install Code Response | 0x04 | N/A | Module |
Link Key Write | 0x05 | Network Down Only | Host |
Link Key Request | 0x06 | All Contexts | Host |
Link Key Response | 0x07 | N/A | Module |
Network Key Write | 0x08 | Network Down Only | Host |
Network Key Request | 0x09 | All Contexts | Host |
Network Key Response | 0x0A | N/A | Module |
Preconfigured Key Option Write Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x00 )
The Preconfigured Key Option Write command is sent by the Host to the Module and serves to dictate which key the application will use when attempting to join a network; either the Preconfigured Link Key or the key derived from Installation Code.
The application default is to join with the Preconfigured Link Key. This configuration is not stored in non-volatile memory and should therefore be set prior to initiating any Scan and Join activity (i.e., while in the Network Down state) and subsequent to a reset or power-cycle.
Payload for Preconfigured Key Option Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Joining Key Option | 0x00 = Join using Preconfigured Link Key |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will apply the chosen key the next time it attempts to join a network. This command only has an effect while Module is in the Network Down state and therefore prior to initiating any scan and join activity.
Preconfigured Key Option Request Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x01 )
The Preconfigured Key Option Request is sent by the Host to the Module to query the current application Preconfigured Key Option. The Module will respond with a Preconfigured Key Option Response. The command has no payload.
Preconfigured Key Option Response Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x02 )
The Preconfigured Key Option Response is sent by the Module to the Host when queried with a Preconfigured Key Option Request. The command has the same payload as the Preconfigured Key Option Write command.
Payload for Preconfigured Key Option Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Joining Key Option | 0x00 = Join using Preconfigured Link Key |
Install Code Request Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x03 )
The Install Code Request frame is sent by the Host to the Module to query the application Installation Code. The Module responds with an Install Code Response. It should be noted that the Installation Code is assigned to the Module at production time and cannot be modified. The command has no payload.
Install Code Response Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x04 )
The Install Code Response frame is sent by the Module to the Host when queried with an Install Code Request.
Payload for Install Code Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Installation Code Length | 8, 10, 14, or 18 as defined by the ZigBee Smart Energy Specification |
1..n | Installation Code |
Link Key Write Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x05 )
The Link Key Write command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to set the application Preconfigured Link Key. The Host may only set the Preconfigured Link Key while the application is in the Network Down state.
If the Host subsequently forms a network as a coordinator, the key will be applied as the Global Trust Center Link Key. Otherwise, if the Host joins a network as either a router or end device, the key will be applied as the Joining Key.
The Preconfigured Link Key is not stored in non-volatile memory and must therefore be set prior to forming or joining a network subsequent to a Reset or power-cycle. If the Host does not manually set the key, the application will use the default Preconfigured Link Key specified by the ZigBee Home Automation Specification.
Payload for Link Key Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..15 | Preconfigured Link Key | Default = {0x5A, 0x69, 0x67, 0x42, 0x65, 0x65, 0x41, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x69, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x63, 0x65, 0x30, 0x39} = “ZigBeeAlliance09” |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will apply this Preconfigured Link Key when it either forms or joins a network, the latter when the Joining Key Option corresponds to Preconfigured Link Key.
Link Key Request Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x06 )
The Link Key Request is sent by the Host to the Module to request the current application Link Key. The Module responds with a Link Key Response. When the Module is configured as a coordinator, it will return the Global Trust Center Link Key. When the Module is otherwise configured and not joined to a network, it will return the Preconfigured Link Key and likewise, when joined to a network, it returns the current Trust Center Link Key assigned to it. The command has no payload.
Link Key Response Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x07 )
The Link Key Response is sent by the Module to the Host when queried with a Link Key Request. The command has the same payload as the Link Key Write command.
Payload for Link Key Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..15 | Preconfigured Link Key | Default = {0x5A, 0x69, 0x67, 0x42, 0x65, 0x65, 0x41, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x69, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x63, 0x65, 0x30, 0x39} = “ZigBeeAlliance09” |
Network Key Write Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x08 )
The Network Key Write command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to set the application Preconfigured Network Key. The Host may only set the Network Key while the application is in the Network Down state, after which the key will be automatically randomized.
The Network Key is only applied if the Host subsequently forms a network as a coordinator. If serving as a router or end device, the application will receive a Network Key from the network Trust Center.
The Network Key is not stored in non-volatile memory and must therefore be set prior to forming a network subsequent to a Reset or power-cycle. If the Host does not manually set the key, the application will generate a random value for it upon forming a network.
Payload for Network Key Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..15 | Network Key |
Network Key Request Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x09 )
The Network Key Request command is sent by the Host to the Module to query the application Network Key. The Module will respond with a Network Key Response. If the application has not formed a network, the response will convey the Preconfigured Network Key. Otherwise, the response will convey the current Network Key. The command has no payload.
Network Key Response Command - ( PH:0x02, SH:0x0A )
The Network Key Response command is sent by the Module to the Host when queried with a Network Key Request. The command has the same payload as Network Key Write command.
Payload for Network Key Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..15 | Network Key |
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ZigBee Support Configuration Frames (0x03)
This section describes the commands used to configure RapidHA’s IEEE functional device type, as well as the endpoints, clusters and attributes that will logically exist on that device.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
Device Type Write | 0x00 | Startup Config Only | Host |
Device Type Request | 0x01 | All Contexts | Host |
Device Type Response | 0x02 | All Contexts | Module |
Add Endpoint | 0x10 | Startup Config Only | Host |
Endpoint List Request | 0x11 | All Contexts | Host |
Endpoint List Response | 0x12 | All Contexts | Module |
Endpoint Descriptor Request | 0x13 | All Contexts | Host |
Endpoint Descriptor Response | 0x14 | All Contexts | Module |
Add Attributes to Cluster | 0x20 | Startup Config Only | Host |
Attribute List Request | 0x21 | All Contexts | Host |
Attribute List Response | 0x22 | All Contexts | Module |
Attribute Request | 0x23 | All Contexts | Host |
Attribute Response | 0x24 | All Contexts | Module |
Attribute Write | 0x25 | All Contexts | Host |
Attribute Report Passthrough Control | 0x26 | All Contexts | Host |
Clear Endpoint Config | 0x30 | Startup Config Only | Host |
Register Commands Passthrough | 0x80 | Startup Config Only | Host |
Device Type Write Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x00 )
The Device Type Write command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to configure the application’s IEEE functional device type. The Host is only required to issue this command once after synchronizing with a factory default Module for the first time, as the configuration is preserved in the application’s non-volatile memory.
The Module may be configured to behave as either a Full-Function Device (FFD) or Reduced-Function Device (RFD). An FFD has facilities for routing network messages as either a coordinator or a router, while an RFD may only join a network as a non-routing end node
If the Host configures the Module as an RFD, it may additionally configure the application to serve as either a non-sleepy or sleepy end device, with the latter configuration serving to conserve power should the given device be battery powered or otherwise consumption-sensitive.
Payload for Device Type Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Device Function Type | Default value 0x00 (FFD) 0x00 = FFD (router or coordinator) |
1 | Sleepy | 0x00 = Non-Sleepy (this is the default value) 0x01 = Sleepy (only valid with RFDs) |
Effect on Receipt
If the command is valid, the Module will update the setting and save it to non-volatile memory while also relaying a Device Type Response to the Host to confirm the setting. The following table lists the possible Status Responses on reception of the command.
Status Responses to Device Type Write Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | IEEE functional device type has been updated and backed up to non-volatile memory. |
Invalid Call | 0x01 | The Module is already on a network and cannot modify its device type. |
Invalid Data | 0x02 | Field values are outside of valid range or are otherwise inapplicable in their current combination. |
Device Type Request Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x01 )
The Device Type Request is sent by the Host to the Module in order to query the application IEEE functional device type. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with a Device Type Response.
Device Type Response Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x02 )
The Device Type Response is sent by the Module to the Host in response to a Device Type Request.
Payload for Device Type Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Device Function Type | 0x00 = FFD (router or coordinator) |
1 | Sleepy | 0x00 = Non-Sleepy |
Add Endpoint Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x10 )
The Add Endpoint command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to configure an application endpoint. This includes defining the Endpoint ID, Profile ID, Device ID, Device Version and the lists of server and client clusters supported on that endpoint.
Every known cluster included in the command (i.e., those already defined in the ZCL or HA specifications) will be automatically populated by the application with its mandatory attributes, which will likewise be enabled.
The Add Endpoint command may also be used to update the definition of an existing endpoint by specifying its Endpoint ID in the payload. If an update operation does not include previously specified clusters, those clusters are removed along with their associated attributes.
Payload for Add Endpoint Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | Valid range 1 - 240 |
1,2 | Profile ID | 0x0104 |
3,4 | Device ID | See this page for a list of Device IDs used in the HA profile. |
5 | Device Version | |
6 | Number of Server Clusters | The number of server clusters, n |
7..6+2n | List of Server Clusters | List of 2-byte Cluster IDs, LSB first |
7+2n | Number of Client Clusters | The number of client clusters, m |
8+2n..7+2(n+m) | List of Client Clusters | List of 2-byte Cluster IDs, LSB first |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will verify that the Endpoint ID is valid and that there is sufficient memory for the new endpoint and its associated clusters. Likewise, the application will automatically configure all mandatory attributes for specified known clusters. The following table lists the possible Status Responses on reception of the command.
Status Responses to Add Endpoint Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | The endpoint was successfully added or updated. |
Invalid Data | 0x02 | The Endpoint ID is not within valid range. |
Storage Full | 0x04 | Attribute storage has reached maximum capacity; none of the definitions were added. |
Incorrect Length | 0x07 | The frame is incomplete. |
Network Up | Adding an endpoint while the network is up is not allowed. |
Endpoint List Request Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x11 )
The Endpoint List Request is sent by the Host to the Module in order to query the application endpoint list. The Host may apply this command to verify the configuration of application endpoints after having created them. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with an Endpoint List Response conveying a list of Endpoint ID’s. There are no Status Responses issued on reception of this command.
Endpoint List Response Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x12 )
The Endpoint List Response is sent by the Module to the Host in response to an Endpoint List Request. The command conveys the Endpoint ID’s of all the configured endpoints supported by the application.
Payload for Endpoint List Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Number of Endpoints | The number of endpoints, n |
1..n | List of Endpoint IDs | 1 byte each |
Expected Host Action
Endpoint Descriptor Request Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x13 )
The Endpoint Descriptor Request is sent by the Host to the Module in order to query the definition of a given application endpoint. The Host may apply this command to verify the full configuration of an application Endpoints after having creating it.
Payload for Endpoint Descriptor Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | The Endpoint ID of the Endpoint to query. |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with an error if it does not support the specified endpoint. Otherwise, it relays the appropriate Endpoint Descriptor Response to the Host. The following table lists the possible Status Responses on reception of the command.
Status Response to Endpoint Descriptor Request Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Endpoint Not Found | 0x08 | The specified endpoint is not supported |
Endpoint Descriptor Response Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x14 )
The Endpoint Descriptor Response is sent by the Module to the Host in response to an Endpoint Descriptor Request.
Payload for Endpoint Descriptor Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | Valid range 1 - 240 |
1,2 | Profile ID | |
3,4 | Device ID | See this page for a list of Device IDs used in the HA profile. |
5 | Device Version | |
6 | Number of Server Clusters | The number of server clusters, n |
7..6+2n | List of Server Clusters | List of 2-byte Cluster IDs, LSB first |
7+2n | Number of Client Clusters | The number of client clusters, m |
8+2n..7+2n+2m | List of Client Clusters | List of 2-byte Cluster IDs, LSB first |
Expected Host Action
Add Attributes to Cluster Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x20 )
The Add Attribute to Cluster command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to append attribute definitions to a configured application cluster. The command may specify as many attributes as the maximum payload capacity of a RapidHA frame allows. For a cluster with large number of attributes, the command may be issued as many times as required.
Please note the application automatically adds mandatory attributes to all configured known clusters, i.e., those already defined in the ZCL or HA specifications. Thus, a simple Host implementation may not need to send this command, or only send it to add optional attributes.
Payload for Add Attributes to Cluster Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | |
1,2 | Cluster ID | |
3 | Cluster Server/Client | 0x00 = Client |
4 | Number of Attributes to Add | |
5..n | Attribute Definition Records | Record format is shown in the following table. |
Attribute Definition Record Format
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Attribute ID | |
2 | Attribute Type | See the ZCL Specification References page for possible values. |
3 | Attribute Property Bitmask | Bit Description 0 0 = Not Readable |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will submit the payload of the received command to a series of checks:
- That there is sufficient memory available for all specified attributes
- That the target endpoint and cluster exist
- That the Data Type of each specified attribute is valid
- That the Payload is complete
On completion of these checks, the application will issue an appropriate Status Response indicating success or failure, as conveyed in the following table. Should the response indicate an error, the command will not take effect. Furthermore, the application will ignore duplicate definitions (i.e. corresponding exactly to an existing configuration) but will update existing attributes if the configuration specified is different. Each configured attribute is automatically populated with the default ZCL value for its given Data Type.
Status Responses to Add Attributes to Cluster Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | All attribute definitions have been successfully added. |
Storage Full | 0x04 | Attribute storage has reached maximum capacity; no specified definitions added. |
Invalid Data Type | 0x06 | A specified Data Type does not conform to any defined ZCL Data Type. |
Incorrect Length | 0x07 | The frame is incomplete given what was specified. |
Endpoint Not Found | 0x08 | The endpoint cannot be found. |
Cluster Not Found | 0x09 | The cluster cannot be found. |
Attribute List Request Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x21 )
The Attribute List Request is sent by the Host to the Module in order to query the attributes on a given application cluster and endpoint.
Payload for Attribute List Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | The target endpoint to query. |
1,2 | Cluster ID | The target cluster to query on the given endpoint. |
3 | Cluster Server/Client | 0x00 = Client |
Effect on Receipt
If the Module supports the target endpoint and cluster, it will relay an appropriate number of Attribute List Response commands to the Host. Otherwise, a Status Response is generated indicating an error, as described in the following table.
Status Response to Attribute List Request Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Endpoint Not Found | 0x08 | The specified endpoint cannot be found. |
Cluster Not Found | 0x09 | The specified cluster cannot be found. |
Invalid Entry | 0x05 | The specified attribute is not supported. |
Attribute List Response Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x22 )
The Attribute List Response command is sent by the Module to the Host in response to an Attribute List Request. The message conveys a list of attributes supported on the cluster and endpoint queried. Should the number of attributes exceed the payload capacity of the message, they will be conveyed as multiple responses, or pages.
Payload for Attribute List Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | |
1,2 | Cluster ID | |
3 | Cluster Server/Client | 0x00 = Client |
4 | Total Number of Pages | The total number of pages (i.e., command frames) that will be sent to complete the response. |
5 | Current Page | The current page of a multi-page response. The first page is 1, a second page, if any, is 2, etc. |
6 | Number of Attributes | Number of attributes in the current page. |
7…n | List of Attribute IDs | Each Attribute ID is sent LSB first |
Expected Host Action
Attribute Request Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x23 )
The Attribute Request is sent by the Host to the Module in order to query the definition and value of an attribute on a given cluster and endpoint.
Payload for Attribute Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | The target endpoint to query. |
1,2 | Cluster ID | The target cluster to query on the given endpoint. |
3 | Cluster Server/Client | 0x00 = Client |
4,5 | Attribute ID | The ID of the attribute to query. |
Effect on Receipt
If the Module supports the requested attribute, it will respond with an Attribute Response. Otherwise, the application will relay a Status Response indicating an error, as described in the following table.
Status Response to Attribute Request Status
Status Response | Enum | Description |
No Entry Found | 0x05 | The attribute cannot be found. |
Endpoint Not Found | 0x08 | The endpoint cannot be found. |
Cluster Not Found | 0x09 | The cluster cannot be found. |
Attribute Response Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x24 )
An Attribute Response is sent by the Module to the Host in response to an Attribute Request.
Payload for Attribute Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | |
1,2 | Cluster ID | |
3 | Cluster Server/Client | 0x00 = Client |
4,5 | Attribute ID | |
6 | Attribute Property Bitmask | Bit Description 0 0 = Not Readable |
7 | Attribute Type | See the ZCL Specification References page for possible values. |
8..n | Attribute Value | Size dependent on Attribute Type. For strings, the length of the string will immediately precede the string itself. |
Expected Host Action
Attribute Write Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x25 )
The Attribute Write command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to set the value of an existing attribute residing on a target cluster and endpoint.
Payload for Attribute Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | |
1,2 | Cluster ID | |
3 | Cluster Server/Client | 0x00 = Client |
4,5 | Attribute ID | |
6 | Attribute Type | See the ZCL Specification References page for possible values. |
7..n | Attribute Value | Size dependent on Attribute Type. For strings, the length of the string must immediately precede the string itself. |
Effect on Receipt
If the attribute is supported, the specified Attribute Type matches and the Attribute Value is the correct size, the Module will return a Status Response indicating Success. Otherwise, the response will indicate an error. The possible Status Responses are listed in the following table.
Status Responses to Attribute Write Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | The attribute was successfully written. |
No Entry Found | 0x05 | The attribute cannot be found. |
Invalid Data Type | 0x06 | The Attribute Type does not conform to any defined ZCL data type. |
Incorrect Length | 0x07 | The size of the attribute value doesn’t match what is expected |
Endpoint Not Found | 0x08 | The endpoint cannot be found |
Cluster Not Found | 0x09 | The cluster cannot be found. |
Attribute Report Passthrough Control - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x26 )
The Attribute Report Passthrough Control message is sent from the Host to the Module. The payload length is 1 octet.
Payload for Attribute Report Passthrough Control
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Attribute Passthrough Control | 0x00 = Disabled |
Effect on Receipt
When enabled, RapidHA will pass all ZCL Attribute Reports through via the ZCL Passthrough functionality.
Clear Endpoint Config Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x30 )
The Clear Endpoint Config command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to wipe all applied configurations of endpoints, clusters, attributes and registered pass-through commands. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module shall clear all application endpoints, clusters, attributes and registered pass-through commands.
Register Commands Passthru Command - ( PH:0x03, SH:0x80 )
The Register Commands Passthru message is sent by the Host to the Module to create an index of those cluster commands that the Module should pass through directly to the Host without additional processing. That is, the Host may specify supported commands that would otherwise result in additional action being taken by the Module on their reception, or commands not supported by the Module that would otherwise not be passed to the Host on their reception.
Specifying a Commands Count of 0x00 indicates that all received commands should be directly passed through to the Host.
Payload for Register Commands Passthru
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint on which the cluster commands are supported. |
1,2 | Cluster ID | The cluster on which the commands are supported. |
3 | Cluster Server/Client | 0x00 = Client |
4 | Commands Count | 0x00 = Pass through all commands |
5..n | Command IDs List | The Command ID(s) of the command(s) to pass through. Each Command ID is 1 byte. |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will register the given commands in non-volatile memory and refer to the list on reception of ZCL commands. The following table lists the possible Status Responses on reception of the command.
Status Responses to Register Commands Passthru Command
Status Response | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | Commands were successfully registered. |
Storage Full | 0x04 | There was insufficient storage for the registration list. |
Incorrect Length | 0x07 | The size of the attribute value does not match what is expected. |
Endpoint Not Found | 0x08 | The endpoint cannot be found. |
Cluster Not Found | 0x09 | The cluster cannot be found. |
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ZDO Message Frames (0x04)
This section describes the two ways, unicast and broadcast, for the Host to send a ZDO command. It also describes the commands sent by the Module to communicate ZDO-level information to the Host.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
Send ZDO Unicast | 0x01 | Network Up Only | Host |
Send ZDO Broadcast | 0x02 | Network Up Only | Host |
ZDO Send Status | 0x03 | All Contexts | Module |
ZDO APS Ack | 0x04 | All Contexts | Module |
ZDO Response Received | 0x05 | All Contexts | Module |
ZDO Response Timeout | 0x06 | All Contexts | Module |
ZDO Device Announce Received | 0x1E | All Contexts | Module |
Send ZDO Unicast Command - ( PH:0x04, SH:0x01 )
The Send ZDO Unicast command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to prompt the Module to send a ZDO message to a single destination node. The command configures the following options:
- custom sequence numbers
- reception of APS ACK
- reception of ZDO Response Received
Payload for Send ZDO Unicast Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Destination Node ID | |
2,3 | ZDO Command ID | |
4 | Response Options | 8-bit Bitmap: Bit 0: Custom Sequence Number |
5 | Transaction Sequence Number | Only used if bit 0 in the Response Options field is set. The Host must apply a number in the range of 0-127. |
6 | Payload Length | |
7..n | Payload |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will attempt to issue the ZDO message over the network. The status of the transmission and its assigned sequence number will be relayed to the Host via a ZDO Send Status command.
To know whether the destination node has successfully received a message, the Host should enable reception of APS ACK status messages via the Response Options field. On reception the Module relays these messages to the Host as ZDO APS Ack commands.
If the given message is a request (e.g., ZDO Bind Request or ZDO Simple Descriptor Request) and the Host expects a response, it should enable the option to receive a ZDO Response Received, via the Response Options field. On reception of a message with a matching sequence number, the Module will relay the response to the Host via the ZDO Response Received command. If no response is received within a given interval, the Module will instead issue a ZDO Response Timeout command to the Host.
Send ZDO Broadcast Command - ( PH:0x04, SH:0x02 )
The Send ZDO Broadcast command is sent by the Host to the Module to prompt the Module to broadcast a ZDO Message across the network.
Payload for Send ZDO Broadcast Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Broadcast Address | 0xFF = All Devices Any other address entered will default to 0xFD |
1 | Enable reception of APS ACK status messages (not used) | |
2 | Radius | Number of network hops this message may travel 0 = Maximum |
3,4 | Command ID | |
5 | Response Options | 8-bit Bitmap: Bit 0: Custom Sequence Number |
6 | Transaction Sequence Number | Only used if bit 0 in the Response Options field is set. The Host must apply a number in the range of 0-127. The range 128-255 is reserved for commands generated by the Module. |
7 | Payload Length | |
8..n | Payload |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will try to broadcast the message over the network. The status of the transmission and its assigned sequence number will be relayed to the Host via a ZDO Send Status command.
ZDO Send Status Command - ( PH:0x04, SH:0x03 )
The ZDO Send Status message is sent by the Module to the Host after the transmission of a Send ZDO Unicast or Send ZDO Broadcast. The message conveys the success or failure of the transmission. If the Status indicates Success, the message will also convey a value for the Transaction Sequence Number assigned to it.
Payload for ZDO Send Status Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Status | 0x00 = Success, the message was successfully transmitted. |
1 | Transaction Sequence Number | The ZDO Transaction Sequence Number assigned to this message, with a valid value in place only if the Status indicates Success. |
Expected Host Action
No action is expected from the Host as the command is for notification purposes only. The Host may choose to display the Status in some manner, or it may also choose to re-send the message if the Status indicates an error occurred.
The Host also retains the option to store the Transaction Sequence Number associated with any outgoing message, such that it may match received ZDO Send Status messages to the requests that triggered them.
ZDO APS Ack Command - ( PH:0x04, SH:0x04 )
The ZDO APS Ack command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of an equivalent acknowledgement from the network, triggered by the initial transmission of a ZDO message that required an APS Ack among its Response Options. The Module will also generate the command when a given acknowledgment is not received and therefore times out.
Payload for ZDO APS Ack Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | APS Ack Status | 0x00 = APS Ack Received |
1 | Transaction Sequence Number | Transaction Sequence Number that identifies the ZDO message that the Host originally sent out. |
Expected Host Action
No action is expected from the Host. The command is for notification purposes only. If an APS Ack times out, the Host retains the option of retransmitting the original message.
ZDO Response Received Command - ( PH:0x04, SH:0x05 )
The ZDO Response Received command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of ZDO Message from the network. That is, the command is generated if the Host configured an outgoing Send ZDO Unicast or Broadcast request with Response Options indicating that a response is expected (i.e. enable reception of ZDO Response Received with corresponding Transaction Sequence Number, though the application will also verify the Source Node ID and Command ID).
Payload for ZDO Response Received Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Source Node ID | |
2,3 | ZDO Command ID | |
4 | Transaction Sequence Number | Matches the Transaction Sequence Number of the original request. |
5 | Payload Length | |
6..n | Payload |
Expected Host Action
ZDO Response Timeout Command - ( PH:0x04, SH:0x06 )
The ZDO Response Timeout command is sent by the Module to the Host when an expected ZDO Response Received command to an outgoing Send ZDO Unicast or Send ZDO Broadcast is not received within a given interval after transmission. The fixed timeout period is 10 seconds.
Note: When a Send ZDO Broadcast command is sent from the Host to the Module, the Module will open a receive window to listen for incoming responses. Once the Module is no longer listening for responses, it will also send a ZDO Response Timeout command back to the Host to signify that the receive window is closed.
Payload for ZDO Response Timeout Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Source Node ID | Expected Source Node ID of the response. |
2,3 | ZDO Command ID | Expected Cluster ID of the response. |
4 | Transaction Sequence Number | The Transaction Sequence Number of the original request. |
Expected Host Action
None. The Host retains the option of retransmitting the original message or may otherwise register an error condition.
ZDO Device Announce Received Command - ( PH:0x04, SH:0x1E )
The ZDO Device Announce Received frame is sent by the Module to the Host when a new device announces itself on the network.
Payload for ZDO Device Response Received Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Node ID of the new device. |
2..9 | EUI64 | The 64 bit Extended Universal Identifier of the new device. |
10 | Capability | MAC capability bitmap of the device. Bit Description |
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ZCL Message Frames (0x05)
This section describes the three ways, unicast, multicast and broadcast, available to the Host to send a ZCL command. In addition, it describes the commands used by the Host to read and write attributes that were previously configured using the ZigBee Support Configurations commands. This section also includes commands sent from the Module to convey responses and statuses from commands previously sent by the Host. It also describes the command used by the Module to pass through ZCL commands that have been registered by the Host using the Register Commands Passthru command.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
Send ZCL Unicast | 0x00 | Network Up Only | Host |
Send ZCL Multicast | 0x01 | Network Up Only | Host |
Send ZCL Broadcast | 0x02 | Network Up Only | Host |
ZCL Send Status | 0x03 | All Contexts | Module |
ZCL APS Ack | 0x10 | All Contexts | Module |
ZCL Response Received | 0x11 | All Contexts | Module |
ZCL Response Timeout | 0x12 | All Contexts | Module |
Received Attribute Write | 0x14 | All Contexts | Module |
ZCL Passthru Message | 0x20 | All Contexts | Module |
ZCL Read Attribute Request | 0x30 | Network Up Only | Host |
ZCL Read Attribute Response | 0x31 | All Contexts | Module |
ZCL Write Attribute Request | 0x32 | Network Up Only | Host |
ZCL Write Attribute Response | 0x33 | All Contexts | Module |
Send ZCL Unicast Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x00 )
The Send ZCL Unicast command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to transmit a custom ZCL message to a target node. The command provides facilities for configuring the Encryption Level of the message, either with Network or Network + APS Encryption, as well as available Response Options, including custom sequence numbers, requiring an APS ACK or enabling processing of a corresponding response with a matching transaction sequence number.
Payload for Send ZCL Unicast Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Destination Node ID | |
2 | Destination Endpoint ID | |
3 | Local Endpoint ID | |
4,5 | Cluster ID | |
6 | Response Options | 8-Bit Bitmap: Bit 0: Custom Sequence Number |
7 | Encryption Level | 0x00 = Network Encryption Only |
8 | Frame Control | 8-Bit Bitmap: Bits 0-1: 00 = ZCL General Command |
9,10 | Manufacturer Code | Applicable if Bit 2 of Frame Control is enabled. |
11 | Transaction Sequence Number | Only used if bit 0 in the Response Options field is set. The Host must apply a number in the range of 0-127. The range 128-255 is reserved for commands generated by the Module. |
12 | Command ID | |
13 | Payload Length | |
14..n | Payload |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will attempt to issue the ZCL message over the network. The status of the transmission and its assigned sequence number will be relayed to the Host via a ZCL Send Status command.
If the Host wishes to know whether the Destination Node has successfully received a message, it should enable reception of APS ACK status messages via the Response Options field. On reception the Module relays these messages to the Host as ZCL APS Ack commands.
If the given message is a request (e.g., Read Attribute Request, Add Group, etc.) and the Host expects a response, it should enable the option to receive a ZCL Response Received command, via the same field. On reception of a message with a matching sequence number, the Module will relay the response to the Host via the ZCL Response Received command. If no response is received within a given interval, the Module will instead issue a ZCL Response Timeout command to the Host.
Send ZCL Multicast Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x01 )
The Send ZCL Multicast command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to prompt the latter to multicast a ZCL Message to a select Group of target devices on the network. Unlike Send ZCL Unicast messages, multicast messages cannot be APS-encrypted; that is, they are encrypted on the Network layer only.
Payload for Send ZCL Multicast Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Group ID | The Group ID of the Group to which the target devices belong. |
2 | Local Endpoint ID | |
3,4 | Cluster ID | |
5 | Radius | Number of Network Hops that this message may travel. 0 = Maximum |
6 | Non-Member Radius | Number of Network Hops that this message will be forwarded to by devices not in the target Group. 0x07 or higher indicates an infinite Non-Member Radius. |
7 | Response Options | 8-bit Bitmap: Bit 0: Custom Sequence Number |
8 | Frame Control | 8-bit Bitmap: Bits 0-1: 00 = ZCL General Command |
9,10 | Manufacturer Code | Applicable if Bit 2 of Frame Control is enabled. |
11 | Transaction Sequence Number | Only used if bit 0 in the Response Options field is set. Otherwise, the application ignores this value and automatically assigns the next outgoing sequence number. The Host must apply a number in the range of 0-127. The range 128-255 is reserved for commands generated by the Module. |
12 | Command ID | |
13 | Payload Length | |
14..n | Payload |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will try to transmit the message over the network, for reception and processing by the devices in the target Group. The status of the transmission and its assigned sequence number will be relayed to the Host via a ZCL Send Status command.
Send ZCL Broadcast Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x02 )
The Send ZCL Broadcast command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to prompt the latter to broadcast a ZCL Message to the network. Unlike Send ZCL Unicast messages, broadcast messages cannot be APS-encrypted; they are encrypted on the Network layer only.
Payload for Send ZCL Broadcast Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Broadcast Address | 0xFF = All Devices Any other address entered will default to 0xFD |
1 | Enable reception of APS ACK status messages (not used) | |
2 | Destination Endpoint ID | |
3 | Local Endpoint ID | |
4,5 | Cluster ID | |
6 | Radius | Number of Network Hops that this message may travel. 0 = Maximum |
7 | Response Options | 8-bit Bitmap: Bit 0: Custom Sequence Number |
8 | Frame Control | 8-bit Bitmap: Bits 0-1: 00 = ZCL General Command Bit 2: 1 = Manufacturer-Specific Command Bit 3: 0 = Client to Server Bit 4: 1 = Disable Default Response |
9,10 | Manufacturer Code | Applicable if Bit 2 of Frame Control is enabled. |
11 | Transaction Sequence Number | Only used if bit 0 in the Response Options field is set. Otherwise, the application ignores this value and automatically assigns the next outgoing sequence number. The Host must apply a number in the range of 0-127. The range 128-255 is reserved for commands generated by the Module. |
12 | Command ID | |
13 | Payload Length | |
14..n | Payload |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will try to broadcast the message over the network. The status of the transmission and its assigned sequence number will be relayed to the Host via a ZCL Send Status command.
ZCL Send Status Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x03 )
The ZCL Send Status message is sent by the Module to the Host after the transmission of a Send ZCL Unicast, Send ZCL Multicast or Send ZCL Broadcast. The message conveys the success or failure of the preceding transmission. If the Status indicates success, the message will also convey a value for the Transaction Sequence Number assigned to it.
Payload for ZCL Send Status Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Status | 0x00 = Success, the message was successfully transmitted |
1 | Transaction Sequence Number | The ZCL Transaction Sequence Number assigned to this message, with a valid value in place only if the Status indicates Success. |
Expected Host Action
No action is expected of the Host as the command is for notification purposes only. The Host may choose to display the Status in some manner, or it may also choose to re-send the message if the Status indicates an error occurred.
The Host also retains the option to store the Transaction Sequence Number associated with any outgoing message, such that it may match received ZCL Send Status messages to the requests that triggered them.
ZCL APS Ack Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x10 )
The ZCL APS Ack command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of an equivalent acknowledgement from the network, triggered by the initial transmission of a ZCL message that required an APS Ack among its Response Options. The Module will also generate the command when a given acknowledgment is not received and therefore times out.
Payload for ZCL APS Ack Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | APS Ack Status | 0x00 = APS Ack Received |
1 | Transaction Sequence Number | Transaction Sequence Number that identifies the ZCL message that the Host originally sent out. |
Expected Host Action
No action is expected from the Host. The command is for notification purposes only. If an APS Ack times out, the Host retains the option of retransmitting the original message.
ZCL Response Received Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x11 )
The ZCL Response Received command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of ZCL message from the network. That is, the command is generated if the Host had configured an outgoing Send ZCL Unicast or Send ZCL Broadcast with Response Options indicating that a response is expected (i.e. enable reception of ZCL Response Received with corresponding Transaction Sequence Number, though the application will also verify the Source Node ID and Command ID).
Payload for ZCL Response Received Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Source Node ID | |
2 | Source Endpoint | |
3 | Local Endpoint ID | |
4,5 | Cluster ID | |
6 | Encryption Level | 0x00 = Network Encryption Only |
7 | Frame Control | 8-bit Bitmap: Bits 0,1: 00 = ZCL General Command Bit 2: 1 = Manufacturer-Specific Command Bit 4: 1 = Disable Default Response |
8,9 | Manufacturer Code | Applicable if Bit 2 of Frame Control field is enabled. |
10 | Transaction Sequence Number | The Transaction Sequence Number of the original request. |
11 | Command ID | |
12 | Payload Length | |
13..n | Payload |
Expected Host Action
ZCL Response Timeout Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x12 )
The ZCL Response Timeout command is sent by the Module to the Host when an expected ZCL Response Received to an outgoing Send ZCL Unicast or Broadcast request is not received within a given interval after transmission. The fixed timeout period is 10 seconds.
Payload for ZCL Response Timeout Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Source Node ID | Expected Source Node ID of the response. |
2 | Source Endpoint ID | Expected source Endpoint ID of the response. |
3 | Local Endpoint ID | Expected ID of local endpoint on which the response will be received. |
4,5 | Cluster ID | Expected Cluster ID of the response. |
6 | Transaction Sequence Number | The Transaction Sequence Number of the original request. |
Expected Host Action
None. The Host retains the option of retransmitting the original message or may otherwise register an error condition.
Received Attribute Write Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x14 )
The Received Attribute Write command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a Attribute Write command from the source node on the network. The command serves to inform the Host of a change to the value of an attribute along with source of the change and the value itself.
Payload for Received Attribute Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Source Node ID | The Source Node ID of the received Attribute Write command. |
2 | Source Endpoint ID | The source Endpoint ID of the received Attribute Write command. |
3 | Local Endpoint ID | The target local Endpoint ID to which the received Attribute Write command was directed. |
4,5 | Cluster ID | |
6 | Cluster Client/Server | 0x00 = Client |
7,8 | Attribute ID | |
9 | Attribute Type | See the ZCL Specification References page for possible values. |
10..n | New Attribute Value | The new value of the target attribute, as modified by the received Attribute Write command. For strings, the length of the string will immediately precede the string itself. |
Expected Host Action
None. The Host retains the option to handle a change to an attribute value in any desired manner.
ZCL Passthru Message Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x20 )
The ZCL Passthru Message command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a ZCL Message which has been registered by the Host using the Register Commands Passthru facility (that is, to prevent the application from processing the command in order to pass it directly to the Host; see the Register Commands Passthru command).
Payload for ZCL Passthru Message Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Source Node ID | |
2 | Source Endpoint ID | |
3 | Local Endpoint ID | |
4,5 | Cluster ID | |
6 | Encryption Level | 0x00 = Network Encryption Only |
7 | Frame Control | 8-bit Bitmap: Bits 0-1: 00 = ZCL General Command |
8,9 | Manufacturer Code | Applicable if Bit 2 of Frame Control is enabled. |
10 | Transaction Sequence Number | The Transaction Sequence Number of the original request. |
11 | Command ID | |
12 | Payload Length | |
13..n | Payload |
ZCL Read Attribute Request Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x30 )
The ZCL Read Attribute Request command is sent from the Host to the Module to query attributes on a target network device. The command may be used to query multiple attributes on a cluster, with the subsequent responses relayed to the Host one attribute at a time.
Payload for ZCL Read Attribute Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Address of the target device to query |
2 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint of the target device to query |
3,4 | Cluster ID | Cluster on the target device and application endpoint to query |
5 | Client/Server Cluster | 0x00 = Client |
6 | Number of Attributes | Number of attributes to query n |
7..6+2n | Attribute ID(s) | The Attribute ID(s) to query |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will transmit the query to the target device. The response is forwarded to the Host as a ZCL Read Attribute Response. If the response conveys multiple attributes, the Module relays each to the Host as an individual ZCL Read Attribute Response.
The table below lists the possible error statuses returned by the Status Response for this command.
Status Responses to ZCL Read Attribute Request Command
Error Status | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | Request successfully transmitted |
Invalid Call | 0x01 | Network Down |
Invalid Data | 0x02 | Tried to read more than 15 attributes |
Incorrect Length | 0x07 | Tried to read 0 attributes or the length of the Attribute IDs list does not match what was indicated by the Number of Attributes field |
Not Enough Memory | 0x0C | Insufficient memory to send this message |
Unknown Failure | 0xFF |
ZCL Read Attribute Response Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x31 )
The ZCL Read Attribute Response command is sent by the Module to the Host in response to a successful ZCL Read Attribute Request. A response conveys the properties of a single queried attribute. As such, if the request successfully queried multiple attributes, the Host will in turn receive multiple responses.
Payload for ZCL Read Attribute Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Source Node ID | Address of the responding device |
2 | Source Endpoint ID | Endpoint where attribute is hosted |
3,4 | Source Cluster ID | Cluster of the attribute |
5 | Client/Server Cluster | 0x00 = Client |
6,7 | Attribute ID | Corresponds to Attribute ID in request |
8 | ZCL Status | 0x00 = Success See this page for ZCL Status values |
9 | Attribute Data Type | See this page for valid values |
10..n | Attribute Value | Byte length of the Value dependent on Attribute Data Type. For strings, the length of the string will immediately precede the string itself. |
Expected Host Action
ZCL Write Attribute Request Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x32 )
The ZCL Attribute Write Request is sent by the Host to the Module to modify the value of an attribute on a target network device. The command allows for multiple attributes on the same endpoint and cluster to be written to in one operation.
Payload for ZCL Write Attribute Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Address of the target device |
2 | Endpoint | Endpoint of the target device |
3,4 | Cluster ID | Cluster on the target device and application endpoint |
5 | Client/Server Cluster | 0x00 = Client |
6 | Number of Attribute Write Records | Number of attributes to write to n each target attribute specified by an Attribute Write Record. |
7..n(3 + m) | Attribute Write Record(s) | Each target attribute specified by an Attribute Write Record. |
Attribute Write Record
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Attribute ID | The target attribute to write to |
2 | Attribute Data Type | See this page for details on the ZCL Data Types used in this field |
3..2 + m | Attribute Value | Byte length of the Attribute Value where m ≥ 1 is dependent on Attribute Data Type. For strings, the length of the string will immediately precede the string itself. |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will transmit the command to the target device. The response is forwarded to Host as a ZCL Write Attribute Response.
The table below lists the possible status return values for this command.
Status Responses to ZCL Write Attribute Request Command
Error Status | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | Request successfully transmitted |
Invalid Call | 0x01 | Network Down |
Invalid Data | 0x02 | Tried to read more than 10 attributes |
Incorrect Length | 0x07 | Tried to read 0 attributes or the length of the Attribute IDs list does not match what was indicated by the Number of Attributes field |
Not Enough Memory | 0x0C | Insufficient memory to send this message |
Unknown Failure | 0xFF |
ZCL Write Attribute Response Command - ( PH:0x05, SH:0x33 )
The ZCL Write Attribute Response is sent by the Module to the Host in response to a successful ZCL Write Attribute Request. The frame conveys the Overall Status of the write request. Note that if the Overall Status indicates success no Attribute Write Failed Records are included in the payload.
Payload for ZCL Write Attribute Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Source Node ID | Address of the responding device |
2 | Source Endpoint ID | Endpoint wherein attribute is hosted |
3,4 | Source Cluster ID | Cluster of the attribute |
5 | Client/Server Cluster | 0x00 = Client |
6 | Overall Status | 0x00 = All attribute write operations successful If the Overall Status indicates success no Attribute Write Failed Records are included in the payload. |
7 | Number of Attribute Write Failed Record(s) | The number of Attribute Write Failed Records n, where n corresponds to the number of attributes whose write operation failed. |
8..n | Attribute Write Failed Record(s) | Information on all attributes whose write operation failed. See the following table for details. |
Attribute Write Failed Record
If there are any attributes not written (i.e., the write attempt failed) then the payload of the ZCL Write Attribute Response command will contain an Attribute Write Failed Record for each one of the attributes not written.
Attribute Write Failed Record
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | ZCL Status | 0x7E = Not Authorized 0x86 = Unsupported Attribute 0x87 = Invalid Value / Out of Range 0x88 = Read Only 0x8D = Invalid Data Type See /wiki/spaces/SPRHA17/pages/37093554 for all ZCL Status values. |
1,2 | Attribute ID |
Expected Host Action
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General Cluster Frames (0x11)
The General Clusters command set encompasses the following mandatory ZCL clusters in the general domain:
- Basic
- Identify
- Time
The mandatory commands associated with a given General Cluster are made available only if that cluster is first appended to the application endpoint configuration. For example, the Identify Start and Identify Stop commands will become available to the Host only after it configures an application endpoint with the Identify server cluster.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
Received Reset to Factory Default | 0x00 | All Contexts | Module |
Identify Start | 0x10 | All Contexts | Module |
Identify Stop | 0x11 | All Contexts | Module |
Time Client Get Time | 0x40 | All Contexts | Host |
Time Client Get Time Response | 0x41 | All Contexts | Module |
Time Client Time Changed | 0x42 | All Contexts | Module |
Network Time Sync Period Write | 0x43 | All Contexts | Host |
Network Time Sync Period Request | 0x44 | All Contexts | Host |
Network Time Sync Period Response | 0x45 | All Contexts | Module |
Received Reset to Factory Default Command - ( PH:0x011, SH:0x00 )
The Received Reset to Factory Default command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a Basic cluster Reset to Factory Default command from the network. The command has no payload.
Please note: RapidHA does not currently support this command. If the Host sends a Reset to Factory Default command, the Module will respond with UNSUPPORTED_CLUSTER_COMMAND (0x81) and will not trigger the Received Reset to Factory Default command.
Expected Host Action
The Host is expected to reset the values of all supported attributes to their factory defaults. If the Host possesses these values, it should apply the Attribute Write command to re-write them.
Identify Start Command - ( PH:0x011, SH:0x10 )
The Identify Start command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of an Identify cluster Identify command from the network. Specifically, the command conveys the ID of the endpoint on which the Identify action should occur and will only be passed to the Host at its required time of execution.
Payload for Identify Start Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | ID of the endpoint on which the Identify action should start. |
Expected Host Action
The Host shall initiate its Identify action (e.g., blinking LED, etc.) on the specified endpoint.
Identify Stop Command - ( PH:0x011, SH:0x11 )
The Identify Stop command is sent by the Module to the Host on expiration of a preceding Identify Start command (i.e., when the Identify Time duration of that command has been expended) or on reception of an explicit command from the network prompting the application to stop identifying on the given endpoint.
Payload for Identify Stop Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint | ID of the endpoint on which the Identify action should stop. |
Expected Host Action
The Host shall stop its Identify action on the specified endpoint.
Time Client Get Time Command - ( PH:0x011, SH:0x40 )
The Time Client Get Time command is sent by the Host to the Module to query the UTC and Local Time attributes of the application. Appending the Time cluster to the application endpoint configuration enables the application Time client, which automatically synchronizes its time with the network Time server. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with the Time Client Get Time Response command.
Time Client Get Time Response Command - ( PH:0x011, SH:0x41 )
The Time Client Get Time Response command is sent by the Module to the Host in response to a Time Client Get Time request. The command conveys both the current UTC and Local Time, as maintained by the application in synchronization with the network Time Server.
Payload for Time Client Get Time Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..3 | Current UTC Time | The Current UTC Time. |
4..7 | Current Local Time | The Current Local Time. |
Expected Host Action
The Host retains the option of using the response to maintain its own UTC and Local Time.
Time Client Time Changed Command - ( PH:0x011, SH:0x42 )
The Time Client Time Changed command is sent by the Module to the Host to inform the Host of a change to the Current UTC Time and/or Current Local Time, as retrieved from the network Time Server. The command is also generated when the application first synchronizes its time with the Time Server. The command has no payload.
Expected Host Action
The Host should update its time by performing a Time Client Get Time query.
Network Time Sync Period Write Command - ( PH:0x011, SH:0x43 )
The Network Time Sync Period Write command is sent from the Host to the Module to modify how often the Time Server will be polled by the device. The command conveys the time sync period in minutes.
By default the Time Server is polled every five minutes. This applies to all device types, including sleepy devices. Since such devices are battery-powered, it is good practice to minimize network communication when possible. Polling the Time Server every five minutes is considered excessive for a sleepy device.
Payload for Network Time Synch Period Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Sync Period | The time period, in minutes, for the Time client to sync with the Time server 0x0001-0xFFFF: Valid range for time period |
Network Time Sync Period Request Command - ( PH:0x011, SH:0x44 )
The Network Time Sync Period Request command is sent from the Host to the Module to read the current value for the time sync period. The command has no payload.
Effect on Receipt
The Module will respond with the Network Time Sync Period Response command, which conveys the current value of the time sync period.
Network Time Sync Period Response Command - ( PH:0x011, SH:0x45 )
The Network Time Sync Period Response command is sent from the Module to the Host in response to a Network Time Sync Period Request command. The command conveys the time sync period currently set on the module.
Payload for Network Time Sync Period Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Sync Period | The time period, in minutes, for the Time client to sync with the Time server 0x0001-0xFFFF: Valid range for time period |
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HA Clusters (0x12)
The HA clusters command set encompasses the following ZCL clusters for common HA applications:
- On/Off
- Level Control
- Power Configuration
- Lock/Unlock Door (under development)
The mandatory commands associated with a given HA cluster are only made available if that cluster is first appended to the application endpoint configuration. For example, the On/Off State Update command will only become available to the Host after it configures an application endpoint with the On/Off server cluster.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
On Off State Update | 0x00 | Network Up Only | Module |
Move to Level | 0x20 | Network Up Only | Module |
Level Move | 0x21 | Network Up Only | Module |
Level Step | 0x22 | Network Up Only | Module |
Level Stop | 0x23 | Network Up Only | Module |
Check Battery Attribute | 0x24 | Network Up Only | Host |
Move to level with On/Off Status | 0x25 | Network Up Only | Module |
Lock Door | 0x60 | Network Up Only | Module |
Unlock Door | 0x61 | Network Up Only | Module |
Lock Confirm | 0x63 | Network Up Only | Host |
On/Off State Update Command - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x00 )
The On/Off State Update command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a network command that modifies the On/Off attribute value on the given endpoint (i.e. that which supports the On/Off server cluster). The command contains the current On/Off state and indicates if it was updated by a local or remote source.
Payload for On/Off State Update Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint ID of the application On/Off server cluster. |
1 | New On/Off State | 0x00 = Off |
2 | Local/Remote Source | 0x00=Local Source |
Expected Host Action
The Host shall modify its hardware output appropriately based on the new On/Off state. For example, if the given device is a light switch and the command indicates a new state of “On” the switch should be turned on.
Move to Level Command - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x20 )
The Move to Level command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a Move to Level command from the network, targeted to an endpoint on which the application supports the Level Control server cluster.
Payload for Move to Level Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint ID of the application Level Control server cluster. |
1 | Level | The applied Level value, 0x00-0xFF. |
2,3 | Transition Time | Time taken to move to the new level, in tenths of a second, or as close to this as the device is able. If the Transition Time value is 0xFFFF then the time taken to move to the new level shall instead be determined by the OnOffTransitionTime attribute. If OnOffTransitionTime, which is an optional attribute, is not present, the device shall move to its new level as fast as it is able. If the device is not able to move at a variable rate, the Transition Time field may be disregarded. |
4 | With OnOff | Flag for withOnOff: |
Expected Host Action
The Host shall modify its hardware output appropriately based on the new Level. For example, if the given device is a dimmer, the Host shall dim the connected light to the light level corresponding to the given Level value. In this example, if the Host controls multiple dimmers on disparate endpoints, the change in Level should only be applied to the dimmer identified by the target Endpoint ID.
If the withOnOff flag is “True” the Host must update the CurrentLevel attribute of the Level Control server cluster and the OnOff attribute of the On/Off cluster. The CurrentLevel attribute must be set to the value given in the Level field of the command payload. If the Level field is non-zero, the OnOff attribute must be set to On. Otherwise, the Level field is zero and the OnOff attribute must be set to Off.
Level Move Command - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x21 )
The Level Move command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a Move command from the network, targeted to an endpoint on which the application supports the Level Control server cluster. The command conveys both the expected Direction and Rate of movement.
Payload for Level Move Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint ID of the application Level Control server cluster. |
1 | Direction | 0x00 = Up |
2 | Rate | The rate of movement, in units per second. |
3 | With OnOff | Flag for withOnOff: This flag determines whether the CurrentLevel and OnOff attributes are independent or linked. |
Expected Host Action
The Host shall modify its hardware output appropriately based on the given Direction and Rate of movement specified. The movement is not expected to stop until reception of a Level Stop command or until further movement is not possible (i.e. maximum or minimum Level reached).
If the withOnOff flag is “True” the Host must update the CurrentLevel attribute of the Level Control server cluster and the OnOff attribute of the On/Off cluster.
Level Step Command - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x22 )
The Level Step command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a Step command from the network, targeted to an endpoint on which the application supports the Level Control server cluster. The command conveys both the expected direction of movement (up or down) and unit size of each step.
Payload for Level Step Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint ID of the application Level Control server cluster. |
1 | Step Mode | 0x00 = Up |
2 | Step Size | The unit size of each step. |
3,4 | Transition Time | Transition time in tenths of a seconds for each step. |
5 | With OnOff | Flag for withOnOff: This flag determines whether the CurrentLevel and OnOff attributes are independent or linked. |
Expected Host Action
The Host shall modify its hardware output appropriately based on the given Step Mode, Step Size and Transition Time specified. The movement is not expected to stop until reception of a Level Stop command or until further movement is not possible (i.e., maximum or minimum Level reached).
If the withOnOff flag is “True” the Host must update the CurrentLevel attribute of the Level Control server cluster and the OnOff attribute of the On/Off cluster.
Level Stop Command - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x23 )
The Level Stop command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a Stop command from the network, targeted to an endpoint on which the application supports the Level Control server cluster.
Payload for Level Stop Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint ID of the application Level Control server cluster. |
Expected Host Action
The Host shall stop all Level Control movement on the specified hardware endpoint.
Check Battery Attribute Command - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x24 )
The Check Battery Attribute command is sent from the Host to the Module which triggers the Module to check the battery voltage. The command has no payload. It is recommended that this command be called after updating the battery voltage attribute.
Effect on Receipt
Module responds with a Status Response. If the battery voltage is lower than the threshold voltage, an alarm will be sent out through the OTA client.
Status Response to Check Battery Attribute Command
Error Status | Description |
Success | Module received the command and will start check if battery voltage is lower than threshold. |
Move To Level With On/Off Status - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x25 )
The Move to Level with On/Off status command is sent by the Module to the Host whenever the Current Level and OnOff status change as a result of incoming Level Control cluster commands.
When the Module receives incoming Level Control cluster commands (Move to Level, Move, Step) over the air, it computes the changes to Current Level and OnOff, and send the result to Host. If the level change requires a transition (e.g. move from 0 to 100 in 5 seconds), the Module will send the Host a series of Move To Level With OnOff Status every 50ms til the end of the transition time. Thus, the Module takes care of the ZigBee cluster logic; Host only needs to modify the hardware output based on the changes.
Payload for Move to Level With On/Off Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint ID of the application Level Control server cluster. |
1 | Level | The applied Level value, 0x00-0xFF. |
2,3 | Transition Time | Unused |
4 | On/Off Status | 0x00 = OFF |
Expected Host Action
The Host shall modify its hardware output appropriately based on the new Level and new OnOff status. For example, if the given device is a dimmer, the Host shall dim the connected light to the light level corresponding to the given Level value. In this example, if the Host controls multiple dimmers on disparate endpoints, the change in Level should only be applied to the dimmer identified by the target Endpoint ID.
The Host is otherwise required to mirror the state indicated by the On/Off Status parameter on the physical device.
Example Payload
- (Indicating Level 100, Transition Time 0, On/Off Status ON) F1 12 25 BB 05 16 64 00 00 01 72 01 [RHAMoveToLevel]
Lock Door Command - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x60 )
The Lock Door command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of Lock command from the network (Lock Door, Toggle, Recall Scene, etc.). The command has no payload.
This command is under development.
Expected Host Action
The Host shall lock the door and confirm the new Lock State by issuing the Lock Confirm command. If the Module times out while waiting for the Lock Confirm response from the Host, it will report a failure to the network device that issued the original Lock command.
Unlock Door Command - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x61 )
The Unlock Door command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of an Unlock command from the network (Unlock Door, Toggle, Recall Scene, etc.). The command has no payload.
This command is under development.
Expected Host Action
The Host shall unlock the door and confirm the new Lock State by issuing the Lock Confirm command. If the Module times out while waiting for the Lock Confirm response from the Host, it will report a failure to the network device that issued the original Unlock Door command.
Lock Confirm Command - ( PH:0x012, SH:0x63 )
The Lock Confirm command is sent by the Host to the Module in order to confirm the current Lock State after reception of a Lock Door or Unlock Door command.
This command is under development.
Payload for Lock Confirm Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Lock State | 0x00 = Unlocked |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will update the value of the application Lock State attribute and report the success of the Lock or Unlock action to the network device that issued the original command.
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Serial Bootload Frames (0x0B)
The commands in this section facilitate serial bootload upgrade of the application operating on the Module. These commands have been implemented per HA 1.2 guidelines.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
Query Next Image Response | 0x02 | All Contexts | Host |
Image Block Request | 0x03 | All Contexts | Module |
Image Block Response | 0x05 | All Contexts | Host |
Upgrade End Request | 0x06 | All Contexts | Module |
Upgrade End Response | 0x07 | All Contexts | Host |
Query Next Image Response Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x02 )
The Query Next Image Response frame is sent from the Host to the Module and prompts the Module to prepare its external flash memory to receive a new image. Any existing firmware image in flash is erased.
Payload for Query Next Image Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | 0xFFFF indicates that the EUI64 is used. |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | |
10 | Endpoint ID | 0xFF indicates a request on all endpoints. |
11 | Status | 8-bit Enumeration: 0x00 = Success |
12,13 | Manufacturer Code | For local bootloading, this field must be 0x109A. |
14,15 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
16..19 | File Version | Optional. Number used here will be echoed back in all subsequent frames for the transaction. For example, this field can be used by the Host to differentiate multiple concurrent updates, or for any other purpose the Host requires. |
20..23 | Image Size |
Image Block Request Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x03 )
The Image Block Request frame is sent from the Module to the Host. The Module expects to receive an Image Block Response from the Host in return.
Payload for Image Block Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | 0xFFFF indicates that the EUI64 is used. |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | |
10 | Endpoint ID | 0xFF indicates a request on all endpoints. |
11 | Field Control | Bit 0 – Request node’s IEEE address present |
12,13 | Manufacturer Code | |
14,15 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
16..19 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
20..23 | File Offset | |
24 | Maximum Data Size | N <= 128, where N is data size in octets. |
Image Block Response Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x05 )
The Image Block Response frame is sent from the Host to the Module. The Module will store this data to external flash memory at the offset provided.
Payload for Image Block Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | 0xFFFF indicates that the EUI64 is used. |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | |
10 | Endpoint ID | 0xFF indicates a request on all endpoints. |
11 | Status | |
12,13 | Manufacturer Code | |
14,15 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
16..19 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
20..23 | File Offset | |
24 | Data Size | N <= 128, where N is data size in octets. |
25..(24+N) | Data |
Upgrade End Request Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x06 )
The Upgrade End Request frame is sent from the Module to the Host to indicate that it has received the new image and is awaiting an Upgrade End Response from the Host to switch to that image.
Payload for Upgrade End Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Node ID of Module |
2..9 | EUI64 | EUI64 of Module |
10 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint of Module |
11 | Status | 0x00 = Success |
12,13 | Manufacturer Code | |
14,15 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
16..19 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
Upgrade End Response Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x07 )
The Upgrade End Response frame is sent from the Host to Module in response to an Upgrade End Request and serves to specify the time at which the Module will switch to the new image.
Payload for Upgrade End Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Node ID of Module |
2..9 | EUI64 | EUI64 of Module |
10 | Endpoint ID | Endpoint of Module |
11,12 | Manufacturer Code | |
13,14 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
15..18 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
19..22 | Current Time | UTC Time, where 0x00000000 = Now |
23..26 | Upgrade Time | UTC Time, where 0x00000000 = Now |
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OTA Upgrade Client Frames (0x0B)
The commands in this section facilitate over-the-air (OTA) client of the application operating on the Module. These commands have been implemented per the ZigBee HA 1.2 guidelines.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
OTA Query Configuration Request | 0x20 | All Contexts | Host |
OTA Query Configuration Response | 0x21 | All Contexts | Module |
OTA Query Configuration Write | 0x22 | All Contexts | Host |
Image Progress Notification | 0x23 | All Contexts | Module |
OTA Version Configuration Request | 0x24 | All Contexts | Host |
OTA Version Configuration Response | 0x25 | All Contexts | Module |
OTA Version Configuration Write | 0x26 | All Contexts | Host |
OTA Query Configuration Request Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x20 )
The OTA Query Configuration Request frame is sent from the Host to the Module to request the intervals at which the Module queries the OTA server for data. The Module will respond with an OTA Query Configuration Response frame. The command has no payload.
OTA Query Configuration Response Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x21 )
The OTA Query Configuration Response frame is sent from the Module to the Host in response to an OTA Query Configuration Request.
Payload for OTA Query Configuration Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Discovery Retry Rate | The rate, in minutes, at which the Module performs discovery for an OTA server when it has knowledge of none. Default = 15 minutes |
2..5 | First Image Query Delay | The delay, in milliseconds, after discovery of an OTA server and prior to the first Next Image Request (i.e., querying the server to determine if a new image is available). Default = 1 minute. |
6..9 | Image Query Rate | The delay, in milliseconds, between consecutive Next Image Request queries (i.e., querying the server to determine if a new image is available). Default = 15 minutes. |
10..13 | Block Request Rate | The delay, in milliseconds, between Image Block Requests (i.e., the rate at which a new image will be retrieved from the server). Default = 1 millisecond. |
OTA Query Configuration Write Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x22 )
The OTA Query Configuration Write frame is sent from the Host to the Module to set the various intervals at which the Module queries the OTA server for data. These settings may not be modified during an OTA upgrade and will persist in non-volatile memory.
Payload for OTA Query Configuration Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Discovery Retry Rate | The rate, in minutes, at which the Module performs discovery for an OTA server when it has knowledge of none. Set to 0xFFFF to retain default (15 minutes). |
2..5 | First Image Query Delay | The delay, in milliseconds, after discovery of an OTA server and prior to the first Next Image Request (i.e. querying the server to determine if a new image is available). Set to 0xFFFFFFFF to retain default (1 minute). |
6..9 | Image Query Rate | The delay, in milliseconds, between consecutive Next Image Request queries (i.e. querying the server to determine if a new image is available). Set to 0xFFFFFFFF to retain default (15 minutes). |
10..13 | Block Request Rate | The delay, in milliseconds, between Image Block Requests (i.e. the rate at which a new image will be retrieved from the server). Set to 0xFFFFFFFF to retain default (1 millisecond). |
Image Progress Notification Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x23 )
The Image Progress Notification frame is sent from the Module to the Host to notify the Host of the reception of every 512 bytes of firmware downloaded through the OTA Bootload cluster. The frame is also sent on completion of the download.
Payload for Image Progress Notification Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Status | Maps to ZCL Status codes: 0x00 = Success See /wiki/spaces/SPRHA17/pages/37093554 for all ZCL Status values. |
1,2 | Manufacturer Code | |
3,4 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
5..8 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
9..12 | File Offset | |
13..16 | File Size |
OTA Version Configuration Request Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x24 )
The OTA Version Configuration Request frame is sent from the Host to the Module to query the version and image type information used to verify a new OTA image. The Module will respond with an OTA Version Configuration Response frame. The command has no payload.
OTA Version Configuration Response Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x25 )
The OTA Version Configuration Response frame is sent from the Module to the Host in response to an OTA Version Configuration Request.
Payload for OTA Version Configuration Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
2..5 | Firmware Version | Default value corresponds to that of the Application Version attribute of the Basic cluster. |
6,7 | Hardware Version | 0x00 = Reserved |
8..15 | Signer EUI | Default 0x0024460000078074 |
OTA Version Configuration Write Command - ( PH:0x0B, SH:0x26 )
The OTA Version Configuration Write frame is sent from the Host to the Module to configure the version and image type information used to verify an OTA image.
Payload for OTA Version Configuration Write Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
2..5 | Firmware Version | Set to 0xFFFFFFFF to retain default. |
6,7 | Hardware Version | Set to 0xFFFF to retain default (EM357) 0x00 = Reserved |
8..15 | Signer EUI | Set to 0xFFFFFFFF to retain default (0x0024460000078074). |
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OTA Upgrade Server Frames (0xB0)
The commands in this section facilitate over the air (OTA) server of the application operating on the Module. These commands have been implemented per the ZigBee HA 1.2 guidelines.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
OTA Image Notification | 0x00 | All Contexts | |
OTA Query Next Image Request | 0x01 | All Contexts | |
OTA Query Next Image Response | 0x02 | All Contexts | |
OTA Image Block Request | 0x03 | All Contexts | |
OTA Image Block Response | 0x05 | All Contexts | |
OTA Upgrade End Request | 0x06 | All Contexts | |
OTA Upgrade End Response | 0x07 | All Contexts |
OTA Image Notification Command - ( PH:0xB0, SH:0x00 )
The OTA Image Notification Command frame is sent from the Host to the Module. The Module will send an Image Notify ZCL command either broadcast or unicast depending on the received serial frame.
NOTE: Allow a wait time of 5000ms for the Image Notification Command Frame
Payload for OTA Image Notification Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Target Device Node ID |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | Target Device EUI64. All 0xFF indicates broadcast |
10 | Endpoint | 0xFF indicates a request on all endpoints. |
11 | Payload Type | 0x00 = Query jitter |
12 | Query Jitter | |
(13,14) | Manufacturer Code | Optional field, it is needed for payload type 0x01-0x03 |
(15,16) | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
(17..20) | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
OTA Query Next Image Request Command - ( PH:0xB0, SH:0x01 )
The OTA Query Next Image Request frame is sent from the Module to the Host. The Module expects to receive an OTA Query Next Image Response frame in return.
Payload for OTA Query Next Image Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Request OTA Device Node ID |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | Request OTA Device EUI64 |
10 | Endpoint | Request OTA Device Endpoint |
11 | Field Control | 8-bit Bitmap |
12,13 | Manufacturer Code | |
14,15 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
16..19 | File Version | Optional. Number used here will be echoed back in all subsequent frames for the transaction. For example, this field can be used by the Host to differentiate multiple concurrent updates, or for any other purpose the Host requires. |
(20,21) | Hardware Version | Optional. Bit 0 of "Field Control" must equal "1" to use this optional field. |
OTA Query Next Image Response Command - ( PH:0xB0, SH:0x02 )
The OTA Query Next Image Response frame is sent from the Host to the Module. The Module relays the frame to the OTA target device. If the target EUI64 is the module’s own EUI64, the module will process it locally.
Payload for OTA Query Next Image Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Target Device Node ID. 0xFFFF indicates that the EUI64 is used |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | Target Device EUI64 |
10 | Endpoint | Target Device Endpoint |
11 | Status | 0x00 – Success |
12,13 | Manufacturer Code | |
14,15 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
16..19 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
20..23 | Image Size |
OTA Image Block Request Command - ( PH:0xB0, SH:0x03 )
The OTA Image Block Request frame is sent from the Module to the Host. The Module expects to receive an OTA Image Block Response frame in response.
Payload for OTA Image Block Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Request OTA Device Node ID |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | Request OTA Device EUI64 |
10 | Endpoint | Request OTA Device Endpoint |
11 | Field Control | 8-bit Bitmap |
12,13 | Manufacturer Code | |
14,15 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
16..19 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
20..23 | File Offset | |
24 | Maximum Data Size | N < 50 |
Expected Host Action
The Host must process and respond to Image Block Request messages until the Module sends a Upgrade End Request
The Host must set status to MALFORMED_COMMAND (0x80) and return a 0 length data block if the Image Offset is outside the range of the file length.
OTA Image Block Response Command - ( PH:0xB0, SH:0x05 )
The OTA Image Block Response frame is sent from the Host to the Module. The Module relays the frame to the OTA target device. If the target EUI64 is the module’s own EUI64, the module will process it locally.
There are three possible return values for the OTA Image Block Response: Success, Wait for Data, and Abort. The payload differs for each one.
NOTE: Allow a wait time of 250ms for the Image Block Response Frame(except for last reponse in the sequence!)
Allow a wait time of 15000ms for the Last Image Block Response Frame
Payload for OTA Image Block Response Command on Success
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Target Device Node ID. 0xFFFF indicates that the EUI64 is used. |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | Target Device EUI64. |
10 | Endpoint | 0xFF indicates a request on all endpoints. |
11 | Status | 0x00 = Success |
12,13 | Manufacturer Code | |
14,15 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
16..19 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
20..23 | File Offset | |
24 | Data Size | N < 50 |
25..(24+N) | Data |
Payload for OTA Image Block Response Command on Wait for Data
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Target Device Node ID. 0xFFFF indicates that the EUI64 is used. |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | Target Device EUI64. |
10 | Endpoint | Target Device Endpoint |
11 | Status | 0x97 = Wait for Data |
12..15 | Current UTC Time | The current UTC time |
16..19 | Request Time | The UTC time the client should retry the request |
20 | Checksum LSB | The least significant byte of the 16-bit CS. |
21 | Checksum MSB | The most significant byte of the 16-bit CS. |
Payload for OTA Image Block Response Command on Abort
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Target Device Node ID. 0xFFFF indicates that the EUI64 is used |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | Target Device EUI64 |
10 | Endpoint | Target Device Endpoint |
11 | Status | 0x95 = Abort |
OTA Upgrade End Request Command - ( PH:0xB0, SH:0x06 )
The Upgrade End Request frame is sent from the Module to the Host. The Module expects to receive an Upgrade End Response frame in response.
NOTE: Allow a wait time of 30000ms for the Upgrade End Request Command Frame
Payload for OTA Upgrade End Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Request OTA Device Node ID |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | Request OTA Device EUI64 |
10 | Endpoint | Request OTA Device Endpoint |
11 | Status | 0x00 – Success |
12,13 | Manufacturer Code | |
14,15 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
16..19 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
OTA Upgrade End Response Command - ( PH:0xB0, SH:0x07 )
The OTA Upgrade End Response frame is sent from the Host to the Module in response to an OTA Upgrade End Request with success status. The Module relays the frame to the OTA target device. If the target EUI64 is the module’s own EUI64, the module will process it locally,
Payload for OTA Upgrade End Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Node ID | Target Device Node ID. 0xFFFF indicates that the EUI64 is used. |
2..9 | EUI64 Address | Target Device EUI64. All 0xFF indicates broadcast |
10 | Endpoint | 0xFF indicates a request on all endpoints. |
11,12 | Manufacturer Code | |
13,14 | Image Type | Unused - for backwards compatibility. Set to 0x0000 |
15..18 | File Version | Will contain the value initially set in the Query Next Image Response / OTA Query Next Image Response frames by the Host. |
19..22 | Current Time | |
23..26 | Upgrade Time |
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Diagnostic Frames (0xD1)
This section describes the commands that initiate and respond to network scans.
Frame Name | Secondary Header Byte | Allowed Context | Sent By Host/Module |
Network Scan Request | 0x00 | All Contexts | Host |
Network Scan Response | 0x01 | All Contexts | Module |
Network Scan Complete | 0x02 | All Contexts | Module |
Latency Request | 0x10 | All Contexts | Host |
Latency Response | 0x11 | All Contexts | Module |
Network Scan Request Command - ( PH:0xD1, SH:0x00 )
The Network Scan Request is sent by the Host to the Module and serves to initiate Network Discovery. This command may only be transmitted when the application is in the Network Down state. The Module will respond with a Network Scan Response for each available network discovered and will also respond with a Network Scan Complete command once the scan request is complete.
Payload for Network Scan Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..3 | Channel Mask | 4-byte channel mask. Each bit represents channels 0 – 31. Example: Channel 11 = 0x00000800 or interpreted as a 32-bit bitmap - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 - bit 11 would be flipped Channels 12 - 15 = 0x0000F000 or interpreted as a 32-bit bitmap - 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 0000 0000 - bits 12-15 would be flipped The Module operates only on channels 11—26 (inclusive). The value 0x07FFF800 indicates that all channels should be scanned. It should be noted that channel 26 is restricted. |
4 | Scan Duration | 0x00 = 31 ms |
Effect on Receipt
The Module will send a beacon request to devices within the allowed duration in an attempt to detect other networks. The response is forwarded to the Host as a Network Scan Response.
Status Responses to Network Scan Request Command
Error Status | Enum | Description |
Success | 0x00 | Request successfully transmitted |
Invalid Call | 0x01 | Network down |
Invalid Data | 0x02 | The channel mask or scan duration value is invalid |
Network Scan Response Command - ( PH:0xD1, SH:0x01 )
The Network Scan Response is sent by the Module to the Host for every response retrieved subsequent to the issuance of a Network Scan Request. Each response represents a beacon from a node within an active network that is in communications range of the Module.
It should be noted that the Network Scan Complete message, which notifies the Host of the completion of the Network Scan Request, could be received prior to the reception of all available Network Scan Responses. It should also be noted that multiple Network Scan Responses from multiple nodes may be received from the same network.
Payload for Network Scan Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Channel | 0x0B – 0x1A: channel of the responding network |
1,2 | Short PAN ID | |
3..10 | Extended PAN ID | |
11 | Permitting Joining | 0x00 = False - network does not permit joining |
12 | Stack Profile | 0x02 = ZigBee Pro |
13 | LQI | 0x00 – 0xFF LQI (Link Quality Indication) is a unit-less measurement range with the upper range (0xFF) representing the highest link quality. |
14 | RSSI | The RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) in dBm, represented as a signed integer. |
Network Scan Complete Command - ( PH:0xD1, SH:0x02 )
The Module sends the Network Scan Complete command to the Host on completion of a Network Scan Request. It should be noted that the issuance of the Network Scan Complete command does not necessarily indicate that all Network Scan Responses have yet been retrieved for the aforementioned request.
Payload for Network Scan Complete Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Status | 0x00 = scan completed successfully |
Latency Request Command - ( PH:0xD1, SH:0x10 )
The Latency Request frame is sent from Host to Module to test the round-trip latency between the Module and a destination node on the network. Upon receipt of this frame, the Module will send a packet to the destination node, and measure the time it takes to receive the acknowledgement.
Payload for Latency Request Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Destination Node ID | LSB first |
2 | Options Bitmask | Bit 0 = Enable Retry |
Latency Response Command - ( PH:0xD1, SH:0x11 )
The Latency Response frame is sent from the Module to the Host with the result of the latency test initiated with a Latency Request.
Payload for Latency Response Command
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0,1 | Target Node ID | LSB first |
2 | Status | 0x00 = Success |
3,4 | Latency | Measured in milliseconds, LSB first |
5 | Direct/Indirect | 0x00 = Direct, response received directly from target node |
6 | Last Hop LQI | The LQI (Link Quality Indicator) of the last responding hop |
7 | Last Hop RSSI | The RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator; in dBm, represented as a signed integer) of the last responding hop |
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