Establishing an SSH connection to the Gateway

Establishing an SSH connection to the Gateway

The normal way to interact with the Gateway is using an SSH Session.

  • Connect a terminal to the gateway (e.g. using PuTTY), using the following parameters
    • Connection Type: SSH
    • Enter the IP Address
    • Port: 22
    • At the prompt, enter the login info:
      • Login: "mmb"
      • Password: "networks"
  • Alternatively using the ssh command line utility on Linux or OSX:

$ ssh mmb@

  • For the initial connection, the gateway signature will not be present and you will be presented with the following message (or something similar, note that this will only happen on the first connection):

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 49:f8:ad:e0:5a:4c:32:4d:7d:87:29:b3:78:47:e2:43.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 

  • Type "yes" in order to proceed
  • You may need to re-enter the SSH command:

$ ssh mmb@

  • You will then be presented with the request for password
    • Password is "networks"

mmb@'s password: 
[mmb@(none) ~]$


The "mmb" user is allowed to login, and can be used for evaluation. A stronger password or disabling user login, strongly recommended in a finished product. The root user is also available once one is logged in. We strong advise not using root for any activities.

UserDefault PasswordRemote Login Allowed?

To enable the creation of additional users, you can request a custom build of the gateway software. Alternatively, you can complete your own customization using the provided OS sources. Contact your MMB Account Manager to learn more.

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