Button and LED Behaviour

Button and LED Behaviour


The Gateway includes one button with functionality that can be defined in software. By default, when this button is pressed and held for >3 seconds, the Gateway will clear the Wi-Fi provisioning information and restart wireless bridge commissioning.

Status LEDs

The Gateway includes 7 LEDs, with the default behaviours shown in the figure below. These behaviors are fully customizable in software.


Not used by default

On (solid) - µAP Mode is up and available

Not used by default

Not used by default

On (solid) - Gateway is booting

On (blinking) - Gateway is booted and ssh is available


Not used by default
D16WhiteN/AOn at all times

For each LED there is a directory which contains a number of files and folders for control of the LED.  

Controlling the LEDS

The LEDs offer two different types of control. The first is basic on/off control which is achieved through the brightness file. The LED can be turned on by writing positive value to the brightness file. To turn the LED off, a zero may be written.

For example, to turn on the D9 led, the following command could be used.

echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/no_inet/brightness

To turn off the D9 led, the following command could be used.

echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/no_inet/brightness

For more advanced control, the led may be set to trigger based on events. There are a variety of different event types which are available on the system. 

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