Release Notes and Known Issues
Review the content on this page to understand the limitations and known issues of the RapidConnect Desktop software. If you encounter a bug that is not tracked on this list, please report the bug to
Known Issues
- If running Windows in a VM (i.e. VMWare Fusion), the application may have issues rendering. If so, the workaround is to add the following line under the C:\Program Files\RapidConnect Desktop Beta\app\RapidConnect Desktop Beta.cfg file and restart the app:
Release Date: 2020-02
- Fix an issue that could occur on macOS or Linux where idling in the Module Picker could eventually crash the application
- Fix an issue in the Binding and Configure Attribute Reporting that would not allow users to refresh or to configure reporting properly
- Allow device property labels, such as EUI, Port, or Network Status Info, to be selectable and copyable using standard keyboard shortcuts
Release Date: 2019-12-06
This release focuses on minor fixes, improvements, and adds new frames for OTA Client Download Policies.
Release Date: 2019-10-21
This release focuses on minor bug-fixes and performance improvements.
v.3.0.11 beta
Release Date: 2019-09-23
Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed issue with Binding table hanging on refresh when there are a very large number of bindings
- Fixed issue with Groups server cluster not displaying its attributes
- Fixed issue with Works-with-all-Hubs not using the right Manufacturer Code
- Fixed issue with Configure Reporting displaying incorrect failure message
- Fixed issue with reading device configuration sometimes hanging
- Fixed issue with Serial Upgrade Progress bar displaying incorrect values
- Various fixes and reliability improvements.
v.3.0.10 beta
Release Date: 2019-07-30
Fixes and Improvements
- Added a standalone Serial Parser screen where users can paste their own logs and use the Frame Breakdown panel to parse frame payloads
- Updated the application to use the latest frames from the Serial Protocol
- Fixed an issue where sending frames using the Raw Messaging panel wouldn't use an instance of the actual frame, but instead an RHAUndefined frame
- Improved the layout of the Advanced Configuration window
- Fixed an issue where networks with more than 5 devices would sometimes not show all the nodes in the Device Management view
- Fixed an issue where redundant write attribute commands were sent when reading/writing from the Attribute Table
- Fixed an issue where text would get cut off when viewing Module Properties in the Firmware Upload window
- Fixed an issue where the Frame Breakdown panel would show signed numbers instead of unsigned numbers
- Fixed an issue where long frames would not get parsed properly in the Frame Breakdown panel
- Various other bug-fixes and stability improvements
v.3.0.9 Beta
Release Date: 2019-05-30
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Time Server configuration contained an invalid attribute (0xF007)
- Sometimes redundant LQI Table Requests were sent to the device
- Module Properties section in the Firmware Upload dialog contained invalid values
- Fixed issue with the incorrect display of client clusters on a multi-endpoint device
- Profile Id in custom configuration files wasn't being applied correctly
- Device Version in custom configuration files wasn't being applied correctly
- Refreshing the Attributes Panel in the Local Properties view would sometimes fail when using custom configuration files
- Fixed issue where certain cluster panels would resize incorrectly
- Fixed issue where duplicate messages were sometimes received
- Fixed issue on some Windows 10 machines where the installer would not produce a valid install
- Various stability and reliability improvements related to the the Serial Acknowledgement scheme
- Upgraded to RapidConnect Serial Library, to account for new frames in the Serial Protocol
v.3.0.6 Beta
Release Date: 2018-12-10
Bug Fixes
- Cannot Read or Write Attributes from within the Manufacturer Specific Cluster Pane, since the manufacturer specific bit wasn't being enabled.
v.3.0.5 Beta
Release Date: 2018-12-05
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Add Image Notify support to OTA Server.
- Add Block Period support to OTA Server.
- Add Image Transfer Pause support to OTA Server.
- Fix issue where the NodeID in the OTA Upgrade Server panel would sometimes display incorrectly.
- Fix issue where OTAUpgradeEndResponse was sent even when the upgrade did not succeed.
- Fix various OTA Server bugs.
- Fix issue with unknown cluster (0x0406) displaying in various drop down lists, like in the Binding Panel.
- Fix issue where Commissioning Cluster was marked as a Manufacturer Specific Cluster.
- Fix issue where attributes in the Groups Cluster were not populating correctly.
- Fix issue where DST Start Time and DST End Time were not being generated and displayed correctly.
- Fix issue where NumberOfLogRecordsSupported (0x0010) attribute in Doorlock cluster was being decoded incorrectly.
- Fix issue where users could not use ZCLReadAttributeRequest/ZCLWriteAttributeRequest to interact with manufacturer specific clusters.
- Fix issue with redundant attribute discoveries.
- Add a method to specify the exact level in the Level Control Panel.
- Add a setting to adjust the serial protocol timeout for higher latency connections.
- Various minor bug fixes and improvements.
v.3.0.2 Beta
Release Date: 2018-11-05
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- New Works-with-all-Hubs (WWAH) testing panel to aid in testing of WWAH specific commands and functionality
- New feature to connect to Remote Modules (for example over a TCP or Web-socket passthrough to a serially connected Module on the other side)
- Fix various ZCL messaging bugs, for example when targeting manufacturer specific clusters
- Fix OTA Image server bugs
- Fix incorrect values in Available Modules window
- Fix RF Testing delay values not working as expected
- Fix RF Testing utilities when toggling between enabling/disabling Stream/Tone control very quickly
- Fix various RF Testing issues
- Fix serial upgrade timeouts that were affecting some Modules
- Add settings panel to choose between different baud rates and serial port settings
- Update documentation links
v.2.0.7 Beta
Release Date: 2018-02-23
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Updated serial upload workflow for new bootloader types
v.2.0.6 Beta
Release Date 2017-11-30
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed crashes in the Binding Table view when refreshing the table under certain circumstances
- Fixed cluster attributes on the Local Properties view not working all the time
- Fixed Network Steering and Network Formation button not appearing when used against RapidConnect firmware version 3.0.1
- Fixed the preconfigured Thermostat device option to not overwrite user-defined attributes
- Fixed Frame Breakdown window incorrectly displaying certain frames, such as the ManufacturingLibraryRXPacket frame
- Fixed local logging so that all exceptions are logged
- Fixed Windows Installer icon issues
- Fixed "Show Raw Bytes" option in the Serial Log to more accurately indicate that only the Rx bytes are being displayed in "raw" mode
- Added the "Add Web Socket" option when using the New Device, Firmware Upload, and RF Testing options on the main screen (and removed the Web Socket option from the main screen as a result)
- Added serial upgrade option when operating against a Module in Bootloader mode (i.e. without a RapidConnect firmware application running on the Module).
v.2.0.5 Beta
Release Date: 2017-11-09
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed UI issues around the Available Web Socket module
- Fixed the Remote Thermostat Cluster not properly refreshing when connected to MMB USB stick configured as Thermostat
- Fixed the Register All Command sending an incorrect payload
- Fixed Serial Log throwing an exception when connecting to a web socket
- Fixed Discovery Status label incorrectly displaying "Discovery Attributes" text
- Fixed RF Testing Tx Delay field MSB/LSB ordering issue when reading/writing
- Fixed UI issues around Join, Form and Leave Network buttons so they aren't modal between instances of the application
- Added a new Networking Scanning feature in the Network Settings screen, which scans and displays all available networks (only works when currently not connected to a network)
v.2.0.4 Beta
Release Date: 2017-10-26
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed unknown clusters coming up as manufacturer specific
- Fixed incorrect abort during OTAUpgrade
- Fixed corrupt Application Version Response
- Fixed Network status label is sometimes incorrect for a joining device and doesn't show its Node Id
- Fixed frame breakdown incorrectly displaying the ZCL payload field
- Fixed when a binding request fails, there appears to be two modal dialogs that pop up with the error message
- Fixed binding falsely reporting failed bind request
- Fixed extended whitespace in payload fields will cause exceptions in the Raw Payloads view
- Remove Permit Join Forever as this could cause certain usage issues
- Added visible notification for errors in the serial log
- Changed icons, color schemes, and misc UI/UX changes
- Certain UI components now support hi-dpi displays on macOS
- When an Attribute Report is configured, automatically enable Attribute Reporting Passthrough
- If the Discover Attributes Extended command isn't supported by a device, fallback to using the Discover Attributes command
v.2.0.3 Beta
Release Date: 2017-10-12
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- [ROTA-498] - On/Off Cluster Panel Does Not Work After Configuring Attribute For Reporting
- [ROTA-501] - Binding: after picking a source, the cluster combobox is empty
- [ROTA-502] - Binding: Double clicking a binding does not open the attribute reporting tab
- [ROTA-510] - Exceptions are sometimes thrown when initializing the Binding view
- [ROTA-511] - IllegalArgumentException when entering the Device Management view
- [ROTA-512] - Incorrect 2nd entry in Device Table
- [ROTA-168] - Device Configuration Firebrand support
- [ROTA-471] - Application creates log files in the application directory every time it runs. This should be configurable - and shouldn't create logs by default
- [ROTA-121] - DeviceTable Attribute Writes unhandled
- [ROTA-463] - UX Feedback: node list should have more friendly names, or ability for users to add friendly names
- [ROTA-468] - Set application icon
v.2.0.2 Beta
Released Date: 2017-09-25
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- [ROTA-48] - Fix SwingWorker cancellation issues
- [ROTA-67] - Updating UI elements from non-EDT threads
- [ROTA-347] - ZCLUnicast message sent with cluster 'Action' buttons has a local endpoint of 0xff
- [ROTA-379] - Can't manually type a frame sequence number and the frame sequence max value is 0x7F(127) not 0xFF
- [ROTA-382] - 'Clear log' does not clear the frame breakdown window
- [ROTA-415] - Allow users to easily reconfigure endpoints without closing COM port
- [ROTA-426] - Add Device by Install Code: EUI64 has to be flipped
- [ROTA-445] - Application doesn't shut down properly probably because there is a rogue thread still going
- [ROTA-465] - Two Manufacturer Specific Clusters of the same cluster ID name show up in Device Management View
- [ROTA-476] - Fix DUT Model unit test to handle InterruptedException
- [ROTA-489] - Image Block Response is sometimes corrupt
- [ROTA-494] - JSONUtils uses non thread-safe getBytes() method
- [ROTA-495] - Discovery status disappears if multiple discoveries are taking place
- [ROTA-496] - Dialogue run loop contains potential threading issue which may cause missed messages
- [ROTA-198] - DeviceTable Unit testing had to be removed
- [ROTA-434] - Add 'title' or 'name' properties for Frames, Buttons, Fields, etc, for automated QA
- [ROTA-101] - SerialPortScanTask refactoring
- [ROTA-105] - ZCLDataType does not handle all ZigBee types yet
- [ROTA-357] - New Device Configuration - Advanced Window
- [ROTA-488] - Possible performance problem in storeChannelPreferences
- [ROTA-490] - About Menu for macOS and Windows needs to show proper application information
- [ROTA-381] - 'Module Picker' window always in focus
- [ROTA-388] - Using "node" for items is confusing
- [ROTA-390] - Register commands passthrough should be configurable
- [ROTA-392] - Options "readable" and "reportable" should be available when adding an attribute
- [ROTA-393] - Device ID default text should be 2 bytes
v.2.0.1 Beta
Released Date: 2017-09-12
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- [ROTA-398] - OTA upgrade client cluster is missing attributes
- [ROTA-483] - Serial Upgrade does not allow retry of last block of data
- [ROTA-131] - Advanced Configuration: Configure passthrough messages during configuration phase
- [ROTA-484] - Serial Image Block Requests past end of file should send MALFORMED_COMMAND status
- [ROTA-478] - Change the default landing screen to be the Device View or Local Properties (based on device)
- [ROTA-479] - SerialLog: Should start minimized
- [ROTA-480] - Preferences: Network Channel settings aren't being saved properly
- [ROTA-481] - Advanced Configuration: disable the sleepy checkbox until we can support it
- [ROTA-85] - replace magic numbers
- [ROTA-87] - RhaSerial could use collision detection on it's various listeners add/remove
- [ROTA-91] - The Serial Utils module needs code cleanup
- [ROTA-261] - Advanced Configuration needs some sanity checks and improvements
- [ROTA-262] - Configuration Dialog should be able to save and load files
- [ROTA-265] - Rename certain components to make them more user friendly
- [ROTA-477] - Local Properties page should distinguish the endpoint each client cluster belongs to.
- [ROTA-387] - Improve user experience when adding clusters
- [ROTA-396] - Enable local and remote attribute reading on joining devices
- [ROTA-434] - Add 'title' or 'name' properties for Frames, Buttons, Fields, etc.
v.2.0.0 Beta
Release Date: 2017-09-05
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- [ROTA-269] - Available Modules windows on top of other applications even when focus is lost
- [ROTA-435] - Binding Table in Windows doesn't show empty rows, like it does in macOS
- [ROTA-339] - There should be a consistent look and feel across the application to increase user efficiency
- [ROTA-472] - Not all Cluster Panels for server clusters are being shown on the end device view
- [ROTA-473] - Serial Log should be available from the main app screen (i.e. before a device is configured) in case users want to see configuration logs
- [ROTA-475] - Remote Devices View - padding/margins in the remote devices view need to be balanced on both sides (left and right)
- [ROTA-413] - 'Available Modules' in 'Module Picker' window is not updated when it's open
- [ROTA-385] - Firmware version running is only specified on configuration
- [ROTA-187] - Identify Cluster Properties Window: Suggestion
- [ROTA-146] - Available Modules panel should dynamically reflect devices that are added/removed
- [ROTA-263] - Create titles for each screen and section of the application
- [ROTA-477] - Local Properties page should distinguish the endpoint each client cluster belongs to.
- [ROTA-351] - Remote Devices View: Scrolling behaviour is inconsistent and potentially confusing
- [ROTA-353] - Network management shortcuts are needed so that you aren't constantly switching tabs to join a network
- [ROTA-370] - Local Device Endpoint are not specified
- [ROTA-380] - Location of Enable Attribute Report Passthrough is misleading
v. Beta
Release Date: 2017-08-01
- [ROTA-421] - Level Control Cluster: Desktop sending ZCL Unicast for Move to Level to itself after receiving Move to Level with OnOff
- [ROTA-429] - "Identify Time" is not updated after clicking "Identify Query"
- [ROTA-456] - "Local Device" in the Remote Devices view is not always the local device
- [ROTA-457] - Time Server Cluster - Local and Standard Time Incorrect Date When Writing UTC Time
- [ROTA-458] - Occupancy Sensor Cluster Name show up as OCCUPANCY_SENSING_CLUSTER
- [ROTA-460] - User Input for broadcast value throws an Error
- [ROTA-464] - ZigBee Device Table Throws IllegalArgumentException
- [ROTA-427] - Groups 'Current Capacity' is set to 'n/a' by default when it's actually 16
v. Beta
Release Date: 2017-07-20
- [ROTA-403] - Node Does Not Show In Device Management List when Configured With OTA Client
- [ROTA-416] - OTA Upgrade Server: Switching OTA files during OTA upgrade allow OTA upgrade to continue
- [ROTA-418] - OTA Upgrade Client Cluster: Joining device cannot read local OTA upgrade attributes
- [ROTA-419] - Successful OTA Upgrade is displayed as 99% on progress bar
- [ROTA-420] - Progress bar of old OTA Upgrade updates with new OTA Upgrade
New Feature
- [ROTA-417] - OTA Upgrade Server: Ability to abort upgrades or remove single files
- [ROTA-459] - Implement OTA-Client Cluster Panel
v. Beta
Release Date: 2017-07-10
This release focuses on providing RF and End-of-Line Manufacturing Test interfaces for testing with RapidConnect 2.1.1 firmware and higher.
New Features
- [ROTA-341] - Users should be able to use the Desktop to perform a full suite of RF/EoL Testing
v. Beta
Release Date: 2017-06-22
- [ROTA-343] - Local Device's Endpoint ID is not present
- [ROTA-453] - Attribute information on local server clusters don't display properly
v. Beta
Release Date: 2017-06-09
This release focuses on making cluster panels more consistent on the remote and local side, and ensuring that all attributes are displayed. Further, new cluster panels were added.
New Feature
- [ROTA-408] - Implement Power Configuration Cluster Panel
- [ROTA-411] - Implement Thermostat UI Config Cluster Panel
- [ROTA-443] - Implement the Alarms Cluster
- [ROTA-448] - Local End Device Cannot Discover Attributes
- [ROTA-99] - DiscoveryManager needs to handle incomplete discoveries
v. Beta
Release Date: 2017-05-30
This release adds support for connecting to a web socket server running our libmmbwebsocket library.
- [ROTA-309] - Button Styling issue on Module configuration window (Windows Version)
- [ROTA-424] - If Network Join fails , desktop app keeps NodeID from the failed join association
- [ROTA-430] - Remote Devices>Attribute tab: Attribute values not populated until another cluster panel or tab is clicked
- [ROTA-431] - ReadConfiguration progress bar jumps around instead of progressing smoothly
- [ROTA-432] - Attributes show a unknown FFFD attribute - determine if this is a firmware or desktop issue
- [ROTA-433] - Cluster Panels query for attributes too often, i.e. everytime they are opened or closed.
- [ROTA-439] - Setting Thermostat Mode via the cluster panel doesn't work
- [ROTA-440] - Serial Log doesn't show TX for web socket connected devices
New Features
- [ROTA-407] - Implement Scene Cluster Panel
- [ROTA-402] - Develop a list of clusters that we need to support, and a method to handle those that we don't have a custom UI for
- [ROTA-260] - Configuration Previews should list human readable names instead of cluster id's
v. Beta
Release Date: 2017-05-17
- [ROTA-422] - JavaFX background thread doesn't exit when final instance of application window is closed
New Feature
- [ROTA-406] - Implement Group Cluster
- [ROTA-258] - Restrict desktop to only work with certain versions of the firmware
- [ROTA-401] - Cluster Panels should be split into "Commands" and "Attributes" tabs
- [ROTA-412] - Network Panel should remember last channels used in the preferences object per user
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