Serial Protocol - RapidConnect Lighting

Serial Protocol - RapidConnect Lighting

Identify Start Command 

RapidHA Primary Header0x11 (General Cluster Frames)
RapidHA Secondary Header0x10

The Identify Start command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of an Identify cluster Identify command from the network. Specifically, the command conveys the ID of the endpoint on which the Identify action should occur and will only be passed to the Host at its required time of execution.

Payload for Identify Start Command

Byte Index

Field Name



Endpoint ID

ID of the endpoint on which the Identify action should start.

Expected Host Action

The Host shall initiate its Identify action (e.g., blinking LED, etc.) on the specified endpoint.

Example Payload

  • F1 11 10 DE 01 16 16 01 [RHAIdentifyStart]

Identify Stop Command 

RapidHA Primary Header0x11 (General Cluster Frames)
RapidHA Secondary Header0x11

The Identify Stop command is sent by the Module to the Host on expiration of a preceding Identify Start command (i.e., when the Identify Time duration of that command has been expended) or on reception of an explicit command from the network prompting the application to stop identifying on the given endpoint.

Payload for Identify Stop Command

Byte Index

Field Name




ID of the endpoint on which the Identify action should stop.

Expected Host Action

The Host shall stop its Identify action on the specified endpoint.

Example Payload

  • F1 11 11 E3 01 16 1C 01 [RHAIdentifyStop]

On/Off Status Update 

RapidHA Primary Header0x12 (HA Cluster Frames)
RapidHA Secondary Header0x00

The On/Off State Update command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a network command that modifies the On/Off attribute value on the given endpoint (i.e. that which supports the On/Off server cluster). The command contains the current On/Off state and indicates if it was updated by a local or remote source.

This command will also be issued to Host with any Move to Level command that is combined with an On/Off action, thought the expected value of the On/Off Status attribute will be conveyed in the Move to Level command itself as well. 

Finally, this command will be issued in alternating sequence (On and Off) to the Host in response to an Identify command from the network (i.e. following issuance of Identify Start to the Host), such that the Host may blink LED's for the appropriate duration (i.e. until the reception of Identify Stop). It is the Host's option to use this aspect of the feature to drive the blinking of LED's during an Identify command. 

Payload for On/Off State Update Command

Byte Index

Field Name



Endpoint ID

Endpoint ID of the application On/Off server cluster.


New On/Off State

0x00 = Off 
0x01 = On


Local/Remote Source

0x00 = Local Source
0x01 = Remote Source

Expected Host Action

The Host shall modify its hardware output appropriately based on the new On/Off state. For example, if the given device is a light switch and the command indicates a new state of “On” the switch should be turned on.

Example Payload

  • (Indicating OFF) F1 12 00 DF 03 16 00 00 0A 01 [RHAOnOffStateUpdate]

Move to Level with On/Off Status

RapidHA Primary Header0x12 (HA Cluster Frames)
RapidHA Secondary Header0x25 (note that this is different from the secondary header for the Move to Level command, which is 0x20)

The Move to Level with On/Off status command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a Move to Level command from the network, targeted to an endpoint on which the application supports the Level Control server cluster.

Payload for Move to Level Command

Byte Index

Field Name



Endpoint ID

Endpoint ID of the application Level Control server cluster.



The applied Level value, 0x00-0xFF.


Transition Time

Time taken to move to the new level, in tenths of a second, or as close to this as the device is able.

If the Transition Time value is 0xFFFF then the time taken to move to the new level shall instead be determined by the OnOffTransitionTime attribute. If OnOffTransitionTime, which is an optional attribute, is not present, the device shall move to its new level as fast as it is able.

If the device is not able to move at a variable rate, the Transition Time field may be disregarded.


On/Off Status

0x00 = On/Off Status is OFF
0x01 = On/Off Status is ON

The Host must mirror the received On/Off Status on the physical device.

Expected Host Action

The Host shall modify its hardware output appropriately based on the new Level. For example, if the given device is a dimmer, the Host shall dim the connected light to the light level corresponding to the given Level value. In this example, if the Host controls multiple dimmers on disparate endpoints, the change in Level should only be applied to the dimmer identified by the target Endpoint ID.

The Host is otherwise required to mirror the state indicated by the On/Off Status parameter on the physical device. 

Example Payload

  • (Indicating Level 100, Transition Time 0, On/Off Status ON) F1 12 25 BB 05 16 64 00 00 01 72 01 [RHAMoveToLevel]

Module Triggered Restore to Factory Defaults Command

RapidHA Primary Header0x11 (HA Cluster)
RapidHA Secondary Header0x00


The command has no payload.

Expected Host Action

The Received Reset to Factory Default command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a Basic cluster Reset to Factory Default command from the network. 

The Host is expected to reset all host parameters to factory defaults.  Please note this frame is optional only if there is configurable Host parameters that need to be restore to factory default.

If applicable, after Host restored to factory default, the Host should also sends Attribute Write command serial command to update ZigBee cluster attribute value.

Host Triggered Restore to Factory Defaults Command

RapidHA Primary Header0x55 (Utility Frames)
RapidHA Secondary Header0x10

Expected Host Action

If the product makes use of the pin for the Factory Reset Button, then this command is optional. The Restore Defaults frame is sent from the Host to the Module and serves to restore the Module to its factory default settings. The command has no payload.

This command is typically triggered by Host when there is a manual Human action on the Host to Restore the Entire Device to Factory Default.

Effect on Receipt

The Module restores all non-volatile elements to their factory default settings, leaves the network if it is joined to one or dissolves the network if it has formed one, and then reboots.

Network Status Response Command

RapidHA Primary Header0x01 (Network Commissioning Frame)
RapidHA Secondary Header0x09

The Network Status Response is sent by the Module to the Host, either as a response to the Network Status Request command, or automatically upon a change to the application Network State or Permit Join Duration (i.e., on transition from non-zero to zero or vice versa).

Payload for Network Status Response Command

Byte Index

Field Name



Network State

0x00 = Network Down
0x01 = Network Up
0x02 = Joining
0x03 = Forming
0x04 = Rejoining
0x10 = Waiting to Rejoin
0xFF = Unknown (During Initialization)


ZigBee Device Type

0x00 = Coordinator
0x01 = Router
0x02 = End Device
0x03 = Sleepy End Device
0xFF = Unknown



0xFF = Unknown


Node ID

0xFFFF = Unknown



0xFFFF = Unknown


Extended PAN ID

All 0’s = Unknown


Permit Join Time

The remaining Permit Join Duration at the time of issuance.

Expected Host Action

The Network Status Response frame is optional, because the MMB firmware already adjusts the GPIO for the Network Status Indicator to inform the end user of the ZigBee network status. As long as an LED is connected to the Network Status GPIO on the MMB module and it is visible to the end user, it is not necessary for the Host to take any action.

However, it should be noted that processing and acting on this serial frame is mandatory if an LED is not connected to the Network Status LED GPIO on the MMB module because the device will need some other means of informing the user of the network state. Specifically, the Host will be required to represent whether the Network State is Network Down or Network Up. 

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