(0x12) HA Clusters

(0x12) HA Clusters

The HA clusters command set encompasses the following ZCL clusters for common HA applications:

  • On/Off
  • Level Control
  • Power Configuration
  • Lock/Unlock Door (under development)

The mandatory commands associated with a given HA cluster are only made available if that cluster is first appended to the application endpoint configuration. For example, the On/Off State Update command will only become available to the Host after it configures an application endpoint with the On/Off server cluster.

Secondary Headers

Primary Headers

( PH:0x012, SH:0x00 ) - On/Off State Update Command


The On/Off State Update command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a network command that modifies the On/Off attribute value on the given endpoint (i.e. that which supports the On/Off server cluster). The command contains the current On/Off state and indicates if it was updated by a local or remote source.


Byte Index

Field Name



Endpoint ID

Endpoint ID of the application On/Off server cluster.


New On/Off State

0x00 = Off
0x01 = On


Local/Remote Source

It should be noted that this byte has been retained for backwards compatibility with the RapidHA application stream. Regardless of the source of change to the On/Off State attribute (Host vs. Network), this byte will always be reported as 0x00 (Local Source). 

0x00 = Local Source
0x01 = Remote Source

Effect On Receipt

The Host shall modify its hardware output appropriately based on the new On/Off state. For example, if the given device is a light switch and the command indicates a new state of “On” the switch should be turned on.

Allowed Context

Network Up.

Sent By Host/Module


( PH:0x012, SH:0x23 ) - Level Stop Command


The Level Stop command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of a Stop command from the network, targeted to an endpoint on which the application supports the Level Control server cluster.


Byte Index

Field Name



Endpoint ID

Endpoint ID of the application Level Control server cluster.

Effect On Receipt

The Host shall stop all Level Control movement on the specified hardware endpoint.

Allowed Context

Network Up.

Sent By Host/Module


( PH:0x012, SH:0x24 ) - Check Battery Attribute Command


The Check Battery Attribute command is sent from the Host to the Module which triggers the Module to check the battery voltage. It is recommended that this command be called after updating the battery voltage attribute.


The command has no payload.

Effect on Receipt

Module responds with a Status Response. If the battery voltage is lower than the threshold voltage, an alarm will be sent out through the OTA client.

Status Response to Check Battery Attribute Command

Error Status



Module received the command and will start check if battery voltage is lower than threshold.

Allowed Context

Network Up.

Sent By Host/Module


( PH:0x012, SH:0x25 ) - Move To Level With On/Off Status


The Move to Level with On/Off status command is sent by the Module to the Host whenever the Current Level and OnOff status change as a result of incoming Level Control cluster commands. 

When the Module receives incoming Level Control cluster commands (Move to Level, Move, Step) over the air, it computes the changes to Current Level and OnOff, and send the result to Host. If the level change requires a transition (e.g. move from 0 to 100 in 5 seconds), the Module will send the Host a series of Move To Level With OnOff Status every 50ms til the end of the transition time. Thus, the Module takes care of the ZigBee cluster logic; Host only needs to modify the hardware output based on the changes.


Byte IndexField NameNotes


Endpoint ID

Endpoint ID of the application Level Control server cluster.



The applied Level value, 0x00-0xFF.


Transition Time



On/Off Status

0x00 = OFF
0x01 = ON

The Host must mirror the received On/Off Status on the physical device.

Effect On Receipt

The Host shall modify its hardware output appropriately based on the new Level and new OnOff status. For example, if the given device is a dimmer, the Host shall dim the connected light to the light level corresponding to the given Level value. In this example, if the Host controls multiple dimmers on disparate endpoints, the change in Level should only be applied to the dimmer identified by the target Endpoint ID.

The Host is otherwise required to mirror the state indicated by the On/Off Status parameter on the physical device. 

Example Payload

(Indicating Level 100, Transition Time 0, On/Off Status ON) F1 12 25 BB 05 16 64 00 00 01 72 01 [RHAMoveToLevel]

Allowed Context

Network Up.

Sent By Host/Module


( PH:0x012, SH:0x60 ) - Lock Door Command (Under Development!)


The Lock Door command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of Lock command from the network (Lock Door, Toggle, Recall Scene, etc.). The command has no payload.


Byte IndexField NameNotes


Endpoint ID

Endpoint ID of the application Door Lock server cluster.

Effect On Receipt

The Host shall lock the door and confirm the new Lock State by issuing the Lock Confirm command. If the Module times out while waiting for the Lock Confirm response from the Host, it will report a failure to the network device that issued the original Lock command.

Allowed Context

Network Up.

Sent By Host/Module


( PH:0x012, SH:0x61 ) - Unlock Door Command (Under Development!)


The Unlock Door command is sent by the Module to the Host on reception of an Unlock command from the network (Unlock Door, Toggle, Recall Scene, etc.). The command has no payload.

This command is under development.


Byte IndexField NameNotes


Endpoint ID

Endpoint ID of the application Door Lock server cluster.

Effect On Receipt

The Host shall unlock the door and confirm the new Lock State by issuing the Lock Confirm command. If the Module times out while waiting for the Lock Confirm response from the Host, it will report a failure to the network device that issued the original Unlock Door command.

Allowed Context

All Contexts.

Sent By Host/Module


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