(0xDF) Manufacturing Library Frames
Manufacturing Library Start - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x80 )
Manufacturing Library Start is sent from the Host to the Module to enable Manufacturing Library functions. The Host must send this frame before using other manufacturing library frames.
The payload is empty.
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Stop - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x81 )
Manufacturing Library Stop is sent from the Host to the Module. The Host must send this frame at the end of using the manufacturing library.
Note that the manufacturing library will automatically be stopped upon a reset of the module.
The payload is empty.
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Tone Control - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x82 )
The Manufacturing Library Tone Control is sent from the Host to the Module to turn the tone on or off. When the tone control is on, the radio transmits an unmodulated tone on the currently set channel and power level.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Tone Control | 0x00 = Off (default) 0x01 = On |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Stream Control - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x83 )
The Manufacturing Library Stream Control is sent from the Host to the Module to turn on or off stream transmission. When the stream control is on, the radio transmits a random stream of characters. This is to help measure radio modulation.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Stream Control | 0x00 = Off (default) 0x01 = On |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Tx Packet - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x84 )
The Manufacturing Library Tx Packet is sent from the Host to the Module to send 802.15.4 packets over-the-air.
Prior to sending this frame, Host can configure the channel, power and inter-packet delay of the transmission by using the frames Manufacturing Library Set Channel, Manufacturing Library Set Power, and Manufacturing Library Set Tx Delay.
Host can vary the duty cycle of the transmission by varying the payload length and the inter-packet delay.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..1 | Repeat Counter | Number of times to repeat the transmission of the packet |
3 | Packet Payload Length | |
4..n | Packet Payload | Payload must be at least 3 bytes long |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Rx Packet - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x85 )
The Manufacturing Library RX Packet is sent from the Module to the Host. The payload is at least 4 bytes. This frame returns packets the module receives after the channel manufacturing library has started.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | LQI | |
1 | RSSI | |
2 | payload length | it will be truncated to 100 (0x64) for longer packets |
3..n | payload |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Set Channel - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x86 )
The Manufacturing Library Set Channel is sent from the Host to the Module. The payload is 1 byte.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Channel | 1 byte channel value |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Get Channel - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x87 )
The Manufacturing Library Get Channel Request is sent from the Host to the Module.
The request payload is empty.
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Get Channel Response - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x88 )
The Manufacturing Library Get Channel Response is sent from the module to the host. The response payload is 1 byte
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Channel | 1 byte channel value |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Set Power - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x89 )
The Manufacturing Library Power is sent from the host to the module. The payload is 1 byte.
Note that the value will be restored to its default value upon a reset of the module.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Power Output |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Get Power - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x8A )
The Manufacturing Library Get Power Request is sent from the host to the module.
The request payload is empty.
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Get Power Response - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x8B )
The Manufacturing Library Get Power Response is sent from the module to the host. The response payload is 1 byte.
Byte Inex | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Power Output |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Set Rx Packet Enable - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x96 )
The Manufacturing Library Set RX Packet Enable is sent from the Host to the Module. This frame enables or disables Rx packets.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Filter Status | 0x00 = Disable (default) 0x01 = Enable |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Get Rx Packet Enable - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x94 )
The Manufacturing Library Get Rx Packet Enable is sent from the Host to the Module to query the current enable status for Rx packet.
This command has no payload.
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Get Rx Packet Enable Response - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x95 )
The Manufacturing Library Get Rx Packet Enable Response is sent from the Module to the Host. The frames contains the current enable status for Rx packet.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | Filter Status | 0x00 = Disabled 0x01 = Enabled |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Tx Random Packet - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x8F )
The Manufacturing Library Tx Random Packet is sent from the Host to the Module. This frame is similar to the frame Manufacturing Library Tx Packet, except that the Module randomizes the packet payload.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..1 | Repeat Counter | Number of times to repeat the transmission the packet |
2 | Packet Payload Length | Length of the packet payload Module will randomize the payload for each packet |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Set Tx Delay - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x8C )
The Manufacturing Library Set Tx Delay is sent from the Host to the Module. Tx Delay is the delay between each packet in a RF Tx packet test. If Host wants to set the Tx Delay, then Host should send this frame before sending the frame Manufacturing Library Tx Packet. If Host does not set the Tx Delay, then Module uses the default value of 0.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..1 | Tx Delay | the delay between tx packets, in μs (microseconds) |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Get Tx Delay - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x8D )
The Manufacturing Library Get Tx Delay is sent from the Host to the Module to query the current Tx Delay. Tx Delay is the delay between each packet in a RF Tx packet test.
The frame has no payload.
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Manufacturing Library Get Tx Delay Response - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x8E )
The Manufacturing Library Get Tx Delay Response is sent from the Module to the Host in response to Manufacturing Library Get Tx Delay. The frame conveys the current Tx Delay.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0..1 | Tx Delay | the delay between tx packets, in μs (microseconds) |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Set CCA Threshold - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x9A )
The Set CCA Threshold is sent from the Host to the Module to test the RF performance with different Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) threshold.
Host can set the CCA threshold either when network is up or network is down. Host can test the effect of CCA threshold, while network is down, by using the manufacturing library Tx functions. Host can also test the effect of CCA threshold, while network is up, by using ZigBee network packets.
Note that the value will be restored to its default value upon a reset of the module.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | CCA Threshold | in dBm, signed 8-bit integer |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Get CCA Threshold - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x9B )
The Get CCA Threshold is sent from the Host to the Module to query the current Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) threshold.
The frame has no payload.
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
Get CCA Threshold Response - ( PH:0xDF, SH:0x9C )
The Get CCA Threshold Response is sent from the Module to the Host as a response to Get CCA Threshold. The frame payload contains the current CCA threshold.
Byte Index | Field Name | Notes |
0 | CCA Threshold | in dBm, signed 8-bit integer |
Allowed Context
Network Down.
Sent By Host/Module
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