Legacy Hardware

Legacy Hardware

This page includes the resources for hardware that is not recommended for new designs or has already passed its end-of-life. If you are building a new product based on RapidConnect hardware, see this page for the resources pertaining to our newest hardware.

The following files will be helpful for any designer that is incorporating RapidConnect hardware in their product. On this page, you will find the following three types of resources:

  1. The Datasheet provides an overview of the electrical, mechanical, and RF characteristics of the hardware.
  2. The Eagle Library file (provided in both Eagle 5 and Eagle 6 format) contains an Eagle format "part library" including a schematic symbol of the module with pinouts and a PCB footprint ready to use. If you can access Eagle libraries, then you can drop this module into your schematic and PCB layout and wire it up.
  3. The Land Pattern Reference Gerber is a gerber version of the Eagle PCB footprint, containing 3 files:
    1. Module Silkscreen outline (slightly larger than actual module for placement purposes)
    2. Copper pads for the PCB to which the module will be assembled, based on our data sheet land pattern
    3. Solder mask recommendation showing a 3 mil clearance around all sides of copper pads (our data sheet doesn't call this out but it's what we recommend, based on IPC specs.
  4. The Module Pad and Drill Gerber is a reference partial gerber of the actual module, containing 3 files: 
    1. Module outline (exact module perimeter)
    2. Excellon drill file showing where vias are located on the bottom side of the module
    3. Bottom side copper pads and copper around via drills where there is a risk of exposure/shorting to the PCB where the module is attached. We recommend that a PCB containing this module footprint should not have any vias under the module. If that is unavoidable, the designer should try to ensure there are no vias that would line up with these copper areas on the module, and of course obey the RF keep out zone (not shown in gerber but referenced in data sheet)
  5. The Application Circuits demonstrate the correct implementation of the Z357PA20 module in conjunction with a Host Microcontroller or USB Transceiver.


 BSB03PA1x Module

BSB03PA1x Module
  File Modified

ZIP Archive BSB03PA1x GBR Package.zip

Sept 07, 2017 by Doug Alguire

PDF File Layout Guidelines for BSB03PA1x r0.3.pdf

Nov 27, 2017 by Doug Alguire

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Soldering Instructions for Conducted RF Measurements - BSB03PA1X.pptx

Apr 10, 2018 by Doug Alguire

PDF File BSB03PA1x Module Specification v1.1.pdf

Jun 25, 2018 by Doug Alguire

 Z357PA20 Module
 Z357PA10 Module

Z357PA10 Module
  File Modified