Transaction and Frame Sequence Numbers Explained

Transaction and Frame Sequence Numbers Explained

This page gives an overview of Transaction Sequence Numbers (TSN) and Frame Sequence Numbers (FSN).

Frame Sequence Numbers

The Frame Sequence Number enumerates a serial message exchanged between the Host and the Module, and vice versa. For best practice, it is recommend the Frame Sequence Number be incremented by 1 for each newly initiated message. Any transaction, whether initiated by the Host or the Module, may be acknowledged (i.e., ACK'ed) by the recipient with a response using the same Frame Sequence Number.
The Frame Sequence Number is used for tracking purposes but is not a mandatory feature. If its use is not desired, it should be assigned a value of 0x00.

Transaction Sequence Numbers

While the FSN is exclusively used to ack serial messages, the TSN is used to track request/response frames that are being sent OTA. Either a randomly generated TSN is used(assigned when frame is sent) or you can set a custom TSN when sending a ZCL/ZDO Frame.


ZDO Command Without Custom TSN: 

TX [RHASendZDOUnicast] [F1 04 01 22(FSN) 1C 1C E6 21 00 06 FF(TSN) 15 3C 20 0F 00 00 46 24 00 01 06 00 03 FF 1F 0F 00 00 46 24 00 01 F7 04 ] ( Random TSN of FF used )

RX [RHAZDOSendStatus] [F1 04 03 22(FSN) 02 00 0D(TSN) 38 00 ] ( Send status of success, The ZCL Transaction Sequence Number is assigned to this message, with a valid value in place only if the Status indicates Success )

RX [RHAZDOResponseReceived] [F1 04 05 A7 07 1C E6 21 80 0D(TSN) 01 00 68 02 ] (TSN matches the one assigned in the SendStatus frame)

RX [RHAZDOAPSAcknowledgement] [F1 04 04 A8 02 00 0D(TSN) BF 00 ] (TSN matches the one assigned in the SendStatus frame )

ZDO Command With Custom TSN:

TX [RHASendZDOUnicast] [F1 04 01 22(FSN) 1C 1C E6 21 00 06 0D(TSN) 15 3C 20 0F 00 00 46 24 00 01 06 00 03 FF 1F 0F 00 00 46 24 00 01 F7 04 ] ( Custom TSN of 0D used )

RX [RHAZDOSendStatus] [F1 04 03 22(FSN) 02 00 0D(TSN) 38 00 ] ( Send status of success, The ZCL Transaction Sequence Number is assigned the Custom TSN )

RX [RHAZDOResponseReceived] [F1 04 05 A7 07 1C E6 21 80 0D(TSN) 01 00 68 02 ] (TSN matches the Custom TSN)

RX [RHAZDOAPSAcknowledgement] [F1 04 04 A8 02 00 0D(TSN) BF 00 ] (TSN matches the Custom TSN)

ZCL Command With Custom TSN:

TX [RHASendZCLUnicast] [F1 05 00 4B(FSN) 10 1C E6 01 01 06 00 07 00 10 FF FF 0B(TSN) 00 02 00 00 8C 03 ]

RX [RHAZCLSendStatus] [F1 05 03 4B(FSN) 02 00 0B(TSN) 60 00 ]

RX [RHAZCLResponseReceived] [F1 05 11 CD 12 1C E6 01 01 06 00 00 18 00 00 0B(TSN) 01 05 00 00 00 10 00 38 02 ]

RX [RHAZCLAPSAcknowledgement] [F1 05 10 CE 02 00 0B(TSN) F0 00]

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