Sending ZDO Messages

Sending ZDO Messages

You will need to set up a Coordinator, to view the ZDO page.

In order to simplify the sending of ZDO messages, users can send ZDO Messages using the 'ZDO Message' window.  ZDO Messages are sent over-the-air from the local device to a remote device on the network.

The ZDO Message window removes the need for users having to format the frame payload and determine the correct values to use for frame control and frame options parameters. RapidConnect Desktop simplifies this with an easy to use and intuitive interface.

The ZDO Message interface components have been grouped into the following components.

  1. Destination
  2. Options and Command ID
  3. Payload

The fields shown in the ZDO Message window correspond to the parameters of the Send ZDO Unicast Command. Please see the Serial Protocol Frame Payload Definition for a breakdown on the Send ZDO Unicast Command.

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