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Zigbee 101
Application Notes
Are serial acknowledgment errors handled or reported to the application?
Are there any commands that will show packet loss statistics?
Can a RapidConnect device handle multiple simultaneous requests over serial?
Can I buy a pre-certified Zigbee module so I can skip the Zigbee certification process?
Can I run some of my own code (eg. for my device's logic like LED control) directly on the RapidConnect Module?
Can I use a RapidConnect device as the server to upgrade other network devices over the air?
Can the RapidConnect module accept other serial commands while a serial firmware upgrade is in progress?
Do I need to complete any FCC certification testing for my product, or can I rely on the RapidConnect Module's existing modular approval?
Do I still need to learn about Zigbee if I am using RapidConnect?
Does MMB have any RapidConnect firmware that is compliant with Zigbee 3.0?
Does MMB offer any recommendations for placement of the RapidConnect Module or resources to help with the layout?
Does MMB provide a Zigbee sniffer tool?
Does MMB provide any tools to help technicians determine the best location to install a Zigbee device?
Does the RapidConnect Module support I2C?
Does the serial library provide cumulative counts for data listed in diagnostic frames?
For the unintentional radiator portion of my FCC testing, I need to prevent the Zigbee radio from transmitting any data. How can I do that?
How can device vendors test their device for Zigbee 3.0 compliance?
How can I change the device types, clusters, or attributes supported by RapidConnect Lighting & Sensor?
How can I learn about common RF terminology?
How can I maximize the battery life of my device using RapidConnect hardware and firmware?
How can I observe the packets being sent over a Zigbee network?
How do I avoid overflowing the module with serial messages? Without RTS/CTS handshaking, what other mechanisms are possible?
How do I discover all the Nodes on the network?
How does Frequency Agility work in the EmberZNet PRO stack?
How is the ZCL Response bit used?
How is Zigbee Green Power related to Zigbee 3.0?
How many devices can a RapidConnect-based Coordinator support on one network?
I already have my own proprietary RF solution. Why should I build a Zigbee-based device?
I am building a coordinator using RapidConnect. What happens if my device is power cycled after it has formed a Zigbee network and other devices have been commissioned?
I am building a device with a RapidConnect Module plus other modules/radios. How do I complete the RF certification for that device?
I am building a router or end device using RapidConnect. What happens if my device is power cycled after joining a Zigbee network?
I am developing a Linux-based application to communicate with the RapidConnect hardware via USB. What do I need to know about Linux support?
I am developing a Network Coordinator using RapidConnect. Can you recommend some popular Zigbee devices to test against?
I am developing a router or end device using RapidConnect. Can you recommend some popular Home Automation or Building Automation platforms that my device can be compatible with?
I am trying to get a sense of the total effort required to get a lighting or sensor product to market. Where can I see the major steps in the process?
I am trying to specify a power supply for my device. What are the expected average and maximum current consumption figures for the RapidConnect Module?
I am using RapidConnect Desktop to set up an OTA Upgrade Server. When I upload an OTA file to RapidConnect Desktop, the OTA Upgrade process doesn't start. What's wrong?
I built a device using RapidConnect solutions and I am encountering some challenges interoperating with a specific device from another vendor. Can MMB help me diagnose the issue?
I have implemented the RapidConnect Serial Protocol in my device's Host microcontroller. If I upgrade the RapidConnect firmware to a newer version, do I have to change my Host code to work with the new firmware?
I have reviewed the RapidConnect Serial Protocol, but I plan to write my code in a Language X. Does MMB have sample code for Language X?
I would like to enable OTA Upgrades of the firmware that runs on my own MCU (i.e. the Host). Is that possible?
I'm developing a Coordinator. What's the best way to confirm that a device is still on the network?
If I build a device using RapidConnect Lighting & Sensor, which Home Automation or Building Automation platforms will it be compatible with?
If I use RapidConnect, will I still need to buy a Silicon Labs Development Kit?
If the checksum fails, is the frame silently discarded, or is the error propagated back up to the application?
Is the serial library capable of detecting and reporting invalid received frames?
Is the serial library capable of detecting and reporting overrun, parity, and framing errors on the UART interface?
Is there a way to change the RapidConnect Module's default baud rate of 115.2 kbps?
Is there a way to extract RSSI from the dongle and devices?
Is there a way to force a device to start an OTA upgrade, without waiting for it to automatically poll the OTA Server?
My Host microcontroller is receiving incomplete serial frames from the RapidConnect hardware. Why?
Since Zigbee is in the 2.4 GHz band, will it interfere with my WiFi (or vice versa)?
We developed a product against the Zigbee Home Automation specification using RapidHA. How do we update to Zigbee 3.0?
We have implemented a Manufacturer-Specific cluster (aka. MSE). Will this still work on a Zigbee 3.0 network?
What are the key features being added in Zigbee 3.0?
What are the serial libraries?
What are Zigbee Neighbor and Child Tables?
What clusters and attributes are supported by RapidConnect Lighting & Sensor?
What does the RHAReset Command do?
What format is the deconstructed payload from the Serial Library?
What happens if the system reboots, is power cycled, or is otherwise interrupted during a firmware upgrade?
What hardware will I need to get started with RapidConnect?
What if I want to use an external antenna that isn't on the list of approved antenna parts for the RapidConnect Module?
What is a beacon frame?
What is the expected behaviour when a device tries to join a network but there's no network to join?
What is the maximum possible payload length using RapidConnect?
What is the minimal set of serial commands needed to set up a Coordinator, form a network, open the permit join window, and control a device (for example a lighting device)?
What is the process for certifying a Zigbee device?
What is the recommended sleep duration when developing a Sleepy End Device?
What is Zigbee 3.0?
What is Zigbee?
What regions are included in the RapidConnect hardware's RF approvals?
What type of battery life can I expect from a Zigbee device using your module?
What types of transmission and reception errors are capable of being detected by the serial library and how are they handled or reported?
What types of Zigbee devices can I build using RapidConnect?
What will the Restore to Factory Defaults command do?
What Zigbee device types are supported by RapidConnect Lighting & Sensor?
What's the difference between Zigbee and Z-Wave?
What's the easiest way to upgrade the firmware on my prototype devices?
What's the fastest possible way to complete an OTA Upgrade?
When can device vendors start certifying Zigbee 3.0 products?
When I join my RapidConnect Lighting & Sensor device to a Zigbee network, I would like it to display my own model and manufacturer information. How can I do that?
When I send a frame, I receive an "Incorrect Length" response (Primary Header 0x55, Secondary Header 0x80, Payload 0x07). Why?